I will meditate also of all thy work - That is, with a view to learn thy real character; to see whether I am to be constrained by painful facts to cherish the thoughts which have given me such trouble, or whether I may not find reasons for cherishing more cheerful views of God.

And talk of thy doings - Or rather, “I will muse on thy doings” - for so the Hebrew word signifies. It is not conversation with others to which he refers; it is meditation - musing - calm contemplation - thoughtful meditation. He designed to reflect on the doings of God, and to ask what was the proper interpretation to be put on them in regard to his character. Thus we must, and may, judge of God, as we judge of our fellow-men. We may, we must, inquire what is the proper interpretation to be put on the events which occur under his administration, and form our opinions accordingly. The result of the psalmist’s reflections is stated in the following verses.

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