Thy way, O God, is in the sanctuary - Luther renders this, “O God, thy way is holy.” Prof. Alexander, “O God, in holiness is thy way.” DeWette, “O God, holy is thy way.” The word rendered “sanctuary” - קדשׁ qôdesh - means properly “holiness.” It is not the same word which in Psalms 73:17 is rendered “sanctuary” - מקדשׁ miqdâsh. The word here employed, however, may mean a holy place, a sanctuary, as the tabernacle Exodus 28:43; Exodus 29:30, or the temple 1 Kings 8:8; 2 Chronicles 29:7. In this passage the word is ambiguous. It means either that the way of God is holy, or in holiness; or, that it is in the sanctuary, or holy place. If the former, it is a statement of the result to which the psalmist came in regard to the divine character, from a contemplation of his doings. If the latter, it means that the way of God - the true principles of the divine administration - are to be learned in the place where he is worshipped, and from the principles which are there set forth. Compare the notes at Psalms 73:17. It seems to me that the former is the correct interpretation, as it accords better with the scope of the passage.

Who is so great a God as our God - In greatness no one can be compared with him. He is supreme over all. This is the first reflection of the psalmist in regard to God - that he is great; that he is superior to all other beings; that no one can be compared with him. The evident inference from this in the mind of the psalmist, as bearing on the subject of his inquiry, is, that it is to be expected that there will be things in his administration which man cannot hope to understand; that a rash and sudden judgment should not be formed in regard to him from his doings; that people should wait for the developments of his plans; that he should not be condemned because there are things which we cannot comprehend, or which seem to be inconsistent with goodness. This is a consideration which ought always to influence us in our views of God and his government.

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