Surely his salvation - His help; his aid. The word here does not mean salvation in the restricted use of the term as applied to the future life, but it means deliverance of all kinds - rescue from trouble, danger, calamity.

Is nigh them that fear him - All who truly reverence him, and look to him in a proper manner. They may expect his aid; they may be sure that he will soon come to help them. This expresses the confident assurance of the author of the psalm that God would interpose in the troubles of the nation, and would deliver them.

That glory may dwell in our land -

(a) The glory or honor of having such a God to dwell among them; and

(b) the peace, the prosperity, the happiness, which will be the consequence - of his interposition.

The idea is, that this would be a permanent thing; that this honor or glory would then make the land its dwelling-place.

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