But thou hast cast off - literally, Thou hast treated as a foul, offensive thing; thou hast treated him to whom these promises were made, as if he were a vile and detestable object - as that which one throws away because it is worthless or offensive.

And abhorred - Hast despised; that is, as if it were an object of aversion or contempt. Compare Psalms 60:1, Psalms 60:10.

Thou hast been wroth - literally, “Thou hast suffered (thine anger) to overflow,” or to pour itself forth. See Psalms 78:21, Psalms 78:59.

With thine anointed - With him who had been anointed as king - anointed as thine own - to administer justice, and to rule for thee. 1Sa 16:1, 1 Samuel 16:13. This might seem to refer to the time of Absalom, when David was driven from his throne and his kingdom; see, however, the Introduction to the Psalm.

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