When he maketh inquisition for blood - When he “inquires” after blood; that is, when he comes forth with this view, to wit, for purposes of punishment. There is allusion here to such passages as that in Genesis 9:5, “And surely your blood of your lives will I require; at the hand of every beast will I require it, and at the hand of man.” The idea is, that when blood was shed in murder, God would seek out the murderer; he would require satisfaction of him who had shed the blood; he would punish the offender. The language, there, becomes equivalent to that of seeking punishment for murder, and then for sin in general; and the representation here is that of God as going forth in the capacity of an executioner of his own laws to inflict punishment on the guilty.

He remembereth them - “He remembereth,” says Prof. Alexander, “the bloods or murders,” since the word blood, as in Psalms 5:6, is in the plural - bloods. The better interpretation, however, is, that the word “them” here refers to the oppressed and the afflicted - for that is the main idea in the passage. See Psalms 9:8. When he goes forth in the earth to execute judgment on the wicked; when he cuts them down in his wrath; when he sweeps them away as with a flood - the punishment will not be indiscriminate. He will then mark the oppressed, the afflicted, the persecuted, the troubled, and the sad, and will interpose to save them - delivering them from the storms of wrath. The idea, then, is, that the righteous will not be forgotten; that even in the most fierce and awful of his dispensations he will still regard them, and interpose to save them.

He forgetteth not the cry of the humble - Margin, afflicted. The margin expresses the true idea. The reference is not to the humble in the common sense of that term, but to the afflicted; the oppressed; to those who are in trouble, Psalms 9:9. He will then remember the cry which in their afflictions they have been long sending up to him.

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