And he shall judge the world in righteousness - The word here rendered world means properly the habitable earth; and then it denotes the inhabitants that dwell upon the earth. The statement here is general, and is suggested by what is referred to in the previous verses. In the particular case on which the psalm turns, God had manifested himself as a just Judge. He had overthrown the enemies of himself and of truth; he had interposed in behalf of the righteous: and from this fact the psalmist makes the natural and proper inference that this would be fouud to be his character in regard to all the world; this indicated what, in all Iris dealings with men he would always be found to be; this showed what he would be whenever he in any way pronounced a judgment on mankind. It may be added here that this will be found to be true in the great final judgment; that it will be in accordance with the principles of eternal justice.

He shall minister judgment - He will declare or pronounce judgment; he will execute the office of judge. “To the people.” To all people; to the nations of the earth. This corresponds with what, in the former part of the verse, is called the world; and the declaration is, that in his dealings with the dwellers on the earth he will be guided by the strictest principles of justice.

In uprightness - In rectitude. He will not be influenced by partiality; he will show no favoritism; he will not be bribed. He will do exact justice to all.

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