Thou carriest them away as with a flood - The original here is a single verb with the suffix - זרמתם zerametâm. The verb - זרם zâram - means, to flow, to pour; then, to pour upon, to overwhelm, to wash away. The idea is, that they were swept off as if a torrent bore them from the earth, carrying them away without regard to order, rank, age, or condition. So death makes no discrimination. Every day that passes, multitudes of every age, sex, condition, rank, are swept away and consigned to the grave - as they would be if a raging flood should sweep over a land.

They are as a sleep - The original here is, “a sleep they are.” The whole sentence is exceedingly graphic and abrupt: “Thou sweepest them away; a sleep they are - in the morning - like grass - it passes away.” The idea is that human life resembles a sleep, because it seems to pass so swiftly; to accomplish so little; to be so filled with dreams and visions, none of which remain or become permanent.

In the morning they are like grass which groweth up - A better translation of this would be to attach the words “in the morning to the previous member of the sentence, “They are like sleep in the morning;” that is, They are as sleep appears to us in the morning, when we wake from it - rapid, unreal, full of empty dreams. The other part of the sentence then would be, “Like grass, it passeth away.” The word rendered “groweth up,” is in the margin translated “is changed.” The Hebrew word - חלף châlaph - means to pass, to pass along, to pass by; to pass on, to come on; also, to revive or flourish as a plant; and then, to change. It may be rendered here, “pass away;” and the idea then would be that they are like grass in the fields, or like flowers, which soon “change” by passing away. There is nothing more permanent in man than there is in the grass or in the flowers of the field.

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