The Lord on high is mightier than the noise of many waters - That is, he is more powerful than those waters; he is able to control them. See Psalms 65:7, note; Job 38:11, note. The original here is more rapid in the course of the thought; more emphatic and forcible: “More than the voice of waters - many - mighty - the breakers of the sea - in the high place is Jehovah.” He is over all those billows and breakers; more mighty than they all. They can proceed no further than he permits; they will be stayed when and where he commands. We can conceive of few things which more illustrate the power and the majesty of God than the fact that he thus presides over, and controls, the waves of the ocean.

Yea, than the mighty waves of the sea - The original word here corresponds precisely with our word “breakers” - the mighty waves that “break” on the beach.

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