O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness - This verse is literally taken from 1 Chronicles 16:29. The margin here is, “in the glorious sanctuary.” The Septuagint, ἐν αὐλῇ ἁγίᾳ en aulē hagia - “in his holy court.” So the Latin Vulgate. On the meanings of the expression, see the notes at Psalms 29:2.

Fear before him, all the earth - All lands; all people. The word rendered “fear” means properly to writhe, to twist, to be in pain; and then, to tremble, to quake, to be afraid. The word “tremble” would perhaps best express the idea here. It is that solemn awe produced by the sense of the divine presence and majesty which causes trembling. It denotes profound reverence for God.

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