LET EVERY SOUL - Every person. In the seven first verses of this
chapter, the apostle discusses the subject of the duty which
Christians owe to civil government; a subject which is extremely
important, and at the same time exceedingly difficult. There is no
doubt that he had express reference to the... [ Continue Reading ]
WHOSOEVER THEREFORE RESISTETH ... - That is, they who rise up against
“government itself;” who seek anarchy and confusion; and who
oppose the regular execution of the laws. It is implied, however, that
those laws shall not be such as to violate the rights of conscience,
or oppose the laws of God.
R... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR RULERS - The apostle here speaks of rulers “in general.” It
may not be “universally” true that they are not a terror to good
works, for many of them have “persecuted” the good; but it is
generally true that they who are virtuous have nothing to fear from
the laws. It is “universally” true that t... [ Continue Reading ]
THE MINISTER OF GOD - The “servant” of God he is appointed by God
to do his will, and to execute his purposes. “To thee.” For your
FOR GOOD - That is, to protect you in your rights; to vindicate your
name, person, or property; and to guard your liberty, and secure to
you the results of you... [ Continue Reading ]
WHEREFORE - διό dio. The “reasons” why we should be subject,
which the apostle had given, were two,
* That government was appointed by God.
(2)That violation of the laws would necessarily expose to punishment.
YE MUST NEEDS BE - It is “necessary” ἀναγκή anagkē to
be. This is a word stronger... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR THIS CAUSE - Because they are appointed by God; for the sake of
conscience, and in order to secure the execution of the laws. As they
are appointed by God, the tribute which is needful for their support
becomes an act of homage to God, an act performed in obedience to his
will, and acceptable to... [ Continue Reading ]
RENDER THEREFORE ... - This injunction is often repeated in the Bible;
see the notes at Matthew 22:21; see also Matthew 17:25; 1 Peter 2:13;
Proverbs 24:21. It is one of the most lovely and obvious of the duties
of religion. Christianity is not designed to break in upon the proper
order of society,... [ Continue Reading ]
OWE NO MAN ANYTHING - Be not “in debt” to anyone. In the previous
verse the apostle had been discoursing of the duty which we owe to
magistrates. He had particularly enjoined on Christians to pay to
“them” their just dues. From this command to discharge fully this
obligation, the transition was natu... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR THIS - “This” which follows is the sum of the laws. “This”
is to regulate us in our conduct toward our neighbor. The word
“this” here stands opposed to “that” in Romans 13:11. This law
of love would prompt us to seek our neighbor’s good; “that”
fact, that our salvation is near, would prompt us t... [ Continue Reading ]
LOVE WORKETH NO ILL ... - Love would seek to do him good; of course it
would prevent all dishonesty and crime toward others. It would prompt
to justice, truth, and benevolence. If this law were engraved on every
man’s heart, and practiced in his life, what a change would it
immediately produce in so... [ Continue Reading ]
AND THAT - The word “that,” in this place, is connected in
signification with the word ““this” in Romans 13:9. The meaning
may be thus expressed: All the requirements of the Law toward our
neighbor may be met by two things: one is Romans 13:9 by love; the
other is Romans 13:11 by remembering that we... [ Continue Reading ]
THE NIGHT - The word “night,” in the New Testament, is used to
denote “night” literally (Matthew 2:14, etc.); the starry heavens
Revelation 8:12; and then it denotes a state of “ignorance” and
“crime,” and is synonymous with the word “darkness,” as such
deeds are committed commonly in the night; 1 T... [ Continue Reading ]
LET US WALK - To “walk” is an expression denoting “to live;”
let us “live,” or “conduct,” etc.
HONESTLY - The word used here means rather in a “decent’ or
“becoming” manner; in a manner “appropriate” to those who are
the children of light.
AS IN THE DAY - As if all our actions were seen and known.... [ Continue Reading ]
BUT PUT YE ON - Compare Galatians 3:17. The word rendered “put ye
on” is the same used in Romans 13:12, and is commonly employed in
reference to “clothing” or “apparel.” The phrase to “put
on” a person, which seems a harsh expression in our language, was
one not infrequently used by Greek writers, a... [ Continue Reading ]