For none of us ... - Whether by nature Jews or Gentiles. In the great principles of religion we are now united. Where there was evidence of a sincere desire to do the will of God there should be charitable feeling, through there was difference of opinion and judgment in many smaller matters. The meaning of the expression is, that no Christian lives to gratify his own inclinations or appetites. He makes it his great aim to do the will of God; to subordinate all his desires to his Law and gospel; and though, therefore, one should eat flesh, and should feel at liberty to devote to common employments time that another deemed sacred, yet it should not be uncharitably set down as a desire to indulge his sensual appetites, or to become rich. Another motive “may be” supposed, and where there is not positive “proof” to the contrary, “should be” supposed; see the beautiful illustration of this in 1 Corinthians 13:4. To live “to ourselves” is to make it the great object to become rich or honored, or to indulge in the ease, comfort, and pleasures of life. These are the aim of all people but Christians; and in nothing else do Christians more differ from the world than in this; see 1 Peter 4:1; 2 Corinthians 5:15; 1 Corinthians 6:19; Matthew 10:38; Matthew 16:24; Mark 8:34; Mark 10:21; Luke 9:23. On no point does it become Christians more to examine themselves than on this. To “live to ourselves” is an evidence that we are strangers to piety. And if it be the great motive of our lives to live at ease Amos 6:1 - to gratify the flesh, to gain property, or to be distinguished in places of fashion and amusement - it is evidence that we know nothing of the power of that gospel which teaches us “to deny ourselves, and take up our cross daily.

No man - No “one,” the same Greek word οὐδείς oudeis which is used in the former part of the verse. The word is used only in reference to “Christians” here, and makes no affirmation about other people.

Dieth to himself - See Romans 14:8. This expression is used to denote the “universality” or the “totality” with which Christians belong to God. Every thing is done and suffered with reference to his will. In our conduct, in our property, in our trials, in our death, we are “his;” to be disposed of as he shall please. In the grave, and in the future world, we shall be equally his. As this is the great principle on which “all” Christians live and act, we should be kind and tender toward them, though in some respects they differ from us.

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