This chapter is one of the most interesting and precious portions of
the Sacred Scriptures. Some parts of it are attended with great
difficulties; but its main scope and design is apparent to all. It is
a continuation of the subject discussed in the previous chapter, and
is intended mainly to show t... [ Continue Reading ]
THERE IS, THEREFORE, NOW - This is connected with the closing verses
of Romans 7. The apostle had there shown that the Law could not effect
deliverance from sin, but that such deliverance was to be traced to
the gospel alone; Romans 7:23. It is implied here that there was
condemnation under the Law,... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR THE LAW - The word “law” here means that “rule, command, or
influence” which “the Spirit of life” produces. That exerts a
control which is here called a law, for a law often means anything by
which we are ruled or governed; see the notes at Romans 7:21, Romans
7:23. Of the Spirit. I see no reaso... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR WHAT THE LAW COULD NOT DO - The Law of God, the moral law. It
could not free from sin and condemnation. This the apostle had fully
shown in Romans 7.
IN THAT - Because.
IT WAS WEAK - It was feeble and inefficacious. It could not accomplish
THROUGH THE FLESH - In consequence of the strengt... [ Continue Reading ]
THAT THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF THE LAW - That we might be conformed to the
Law, or be obedient to its requirements, and no longer under the
influence of the flesh and its corrupt desires.
MIGHT BE FULFILLED - That we might be obedient, or comply with its
WHO WALK - Note, Romans 8:1.... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR THEY THAT ARE AFTER THE FLESH - They that are under the influence
of the corrupt and sinful desires of the flesh; Galatians 5:19. Those
who are unrenewed.
DO MIND THE THINGS OF THE FLESH - They are supremely devoted to the
gratification of their corrupt desires.
BUT THEY THAT ARE AFTER THE SPI... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR TO BE CARNALLY MINDED - Margin, “The minding of the flesh.”
The sense is, that to follow the inclinations of the flesh, or the
corrupt propensities of our nature, leads us to condemnation and
death. The expression is one of great energy, and shows that it not
only leads to death, or leads to mis... [ Continue Reading ]
BECAUSE - This is given as a reason for what is said in Romans 8:6. In
that verse the apostle had affirmed that to be carnally minded was
death, but he had not stated why it was. He now explains it by saying
that it is enmity against God, and thus involves a sinner in conflict
with him, and exposes... [ Continue Reading ]
SO THEN - It follows; it leads to this conclusion.
THEY THAT ARE IN THE FLESH - They who are unrenewed sinners; who are
following supremely the desires of the flesh; Romans 7:18. Those are
meant here who follow fleshly appetites and desires, and who are not
led by the Spirit of God.
CANNOT PLEASE G... [ Continue Reading ]
BUT YE - You who are Christians. This is the opposite character to
what he had been describing, and shows the power of the gospel.
NOT IN THE FLESH - Not under the full influence of corrupt desires and
BUT IN THE SPIRIT - That is, you are spiritually minded; you are under
the direction a... [ Continue Reading ]
AND IF CHRIST BE IN YOU - This is evidently a figurative expression,
where the word “Christ” is used to denote his spirit, his
principles; that is, he influences the man. Literally, he cannot be in
a Christian; but the close connection between him and Christians, and
the fact that they are entirely... [ Continue Reading ]
BUT IF THE SPIRIT OF HIM ... - The Holy Spirit, Romans 8:9.
HE THAT RAISED UP CHRIST ... - He that had power to restore him to
life, has power to give life to you. He that did, in fact, restore him
to life, will also restore you. The argument here seems to be founded,
first, on the power of God; an... [ Continue Reading ]
WE ARE DEBTORS - We owe it as a matter of solemn obligation. This
obligation arises,
* From the fact that the Spirit dwells in us;
* Because the design of his indwelling is to purify us;
* Because we are thus recovered from the death of sin to the life of
religion; and he who has imparted life... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR IF YOU LIVE ... - If you live to indulge your carnal propensities,
you will sink to eternal death; Romans 7:23.
THROUGH THE SPIRIT - By the aid of the Spirit; by cherishing and
cultivating his influences. What is here required can be accomplished
only by the aid of the Holy Spirit.
DO MORTIFY... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR AS MANY - Whosoever; all who are thus led. This introduces a new
topic, illustrating the benefits of the gospel, to wit, that it
produces a spirit of adoption, Romans 8:14.
AS ARE LED - As submit to his influence and control. The Spirit is
represented as influencing, suggesting, and controlling.... [ Continue Reading ]
THE SPIRIT OF BONDAGE - The spirit that binds you; or the spirit of a
slave, that produces only fear. The slave is under constant fear and
alarm. But the spirit of religion is that of freedom and of
confidence; the spirit of children, and not of slaves; compare the
note at John 8:32.
AGAIN TO FEAR -... [ Continue Reading ]
THE SPIRIT - The Holy Spirit. That the Holy Spirit here is intended,
is evident,
* Because this is the natural meaning of the expression;
* Because it is of the Holy Spirit that the apostle is mainly
treating here;
* Because it would be an unnatural and forced construction to say of
the temper... [ Continue Reading ]
AND IF CHILDREN - If adopted into his family.
THEN HEIRS - That is, he will treat us as sons. An heir is one who
succeeds to an estate. The meaning here is, that if we sustain the
relation of sons to God, that we shall be treated as such, and
admitted to share his favors. An adopted son comes in fo... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR I RECKON - I think; I judge. This verse commences a new division
of the subject, which is continued to Romans 8:25. Its design is to
show the power of the gospel in sustaining the soul in trials; a very
important; and material part of the scheme. This had been partially
noticed before Romans 5:3... [ Continue Reading ]
apokaradokia. This word occurs only here and in Philippians 1:20,
“According to my earnest expectation and my hope,” etc. It
properly denotes a state of earnest desire to see any object when the
head is thrust forward; an intense anxiety; an ardent wish;... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR THE CREATURE - The renewed creature; the Christian mind. This is
given as a reason for its aspiring to the full privileges of adoption,
that the present state is not one of choice, or one which is
preferred, but one to which it has been subjected for wise reasons by
SUBJECT TO VANITY - The... [ Continue Reading ]
BECAUSE - This is the ground of his hope, and this sustains him now.
It is the purpose of God that deliverance shall be granted, and this
supports the Christian amidst the trials to which he is subjected
here. The hope is, that this same renewed man shall be delivered from
all the toils, and cares,... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR WE KNOW - The sentiment of this verse is designed as an
illustration of what had just been said.
THAT THE WHOLE CREATION - Margin, “every creature.” This
expression has been commonly understood as meaning the same as “the
creature” in Romans 8:20. But I understand it as having a different
signi... [ Continue Reading ]
AND NOT ONLY THEY - Not only the creation in general. “But ourselves
also.” Christians.
ἀπαρχὴ aparchē denotes properly the first-fruits of the
harvest, the portion that was first collected and consecrated to God
as an offering of gratitud... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR WE ARE SAVED BY HOPE - It cannot be said that hope is the
instrument or condition of salvation. Most commentators have
understood this as meaning that we have as yet attained salvation only
in hope; that we have arrived only to a condition in which we hope for
future glory; and that we are in an... [ Continue Reading ]
BUT IF WE HOPE ... - The effect here stated is one which exists
everywhere. Where there is a strong desire for an object, and a
corresponding expectation of obtaining it - which constitutes true
hope - then we can wait for it with patience. Where there is a strong
desire without a corresponding expe... [ Continue Reading ]
LIKEWISE THE SPIRIT - This introduces a new source of consolation and
support, what is derived from the Spirit. It is a continuation of the
argument of the apostle, to show the sustaining power of the Christian
religion. The “Spirit” here undoubtedly refers to the Holy Spirit,
who dwells in us, and... [ Continue Reading ]
AND HE THAT SEARCHETH THE HEARTS - God. To search the heart is one of
his attributes which cannot be communicated to a creature; Jeremiah
KNOWETH WHAT IS THE MIND OF THE SPIRIT - Knows the desires which the
Holy Spirit excites and produces in the heart. He does not need that
those deep emoti... [ Continue Reading ]
AND WE KNOW - This verse introduces another source of consolation and
support, drawn from the fact that all flyings are under the direction
of an infinitely wise Being, who has purposed the salvation of the
Christian, and who has so appointed all things that they shall
contribute to it.
ALL THINGS... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR WHOM HE DID FOREKNOW - The word used here προέγνω
proegnō has been the subject of almost endless disputes in regard to
its meaning in this place. The literal meaning of the word cannot be a
matter of dispute. It denotes properly to “know beforehand;” to be
acquainted with future events. But wh... [ Continue Reading ]
MOREOVER ... - In this verse, in order to show to Christians the true
consolation to be derived from the fact that they are predestinated,
the apostle states the connection between that predestination and
their certain salvation. The one implied the other.
WHOM HE DID PREDESTINATE - All whom he did... [ Continue Reading ]
WHAT SHALL WE THEN SAY ... - What fairly follows from the facts
stated? or what conclusion shall we draw in regard to the power of the
Christian religion to support us in our trials from the considerations
which have been stated? What the influence is he proceeds to state.
IF GOD BE FOR US - Be on... [ Continue Reading ]
HE THAT SPARED NOT - Who did not retain, or keep from suffering and
HIS OWN SON - Who thus gave the highest proof of love that a father
could give, and the highest demonstration of his willingness to do
good to those for whom he gave him.
BUT DELIVERED HIM UP - Gave him into the hands of me... [ Continue Reading ]
WHO SHALL LAY ANYTHING TO THE CHARGE - This expression is taken from
courts of law, and means, who shall accuse, or condemn, or so charge
with crime before the tribunal of God as to cause their condemnation?
GOD’S ELECT - His chosen people. Those who have been chosen
according to his eternal purpos... [ Continue Reading ]
WHO IS HE THAT CONDEMNETH? - Who shall pass sentence of condemnation,
and consign to perdition? The function of passing sentence of
condemnation on people shall pertain to Christ, the judge of quick and
dead, and the apostle proceeds to say that it was certain that he
would not condemn the elect of... [ Continue Reading ]
WHO SHALL SEPARATE US - That is, finally or entirely separate us. This
is a new argument of the apostle, showing his strong confidence in the
safety of the Christian.
FROM THE LOVE OF CHRIST - This expression is ambiguous; and may mean
either our love to Christ or his love to us. I understand it in... [ Continue Reading ]
AS IT IS WRITTEN - Psalms 44:22. This passage the apostle quotes not
as having originally reference to Christians, but as “aptly
descriptive” of their condition. The condition of saints in the time
of the psalmist was similar to that of Christians in the time of Paul.
The same language would express... [ Continue Reading ]
NAY - But. Notwithstanding our severe pressures and trials.
IN ALL THESE THINGS - In the very midst of them; while we are enduring
them we are able to triumph; compare 1 Corinthians 15:57.
WE ARE MORE THAN CONQUERORS - We gain the victory. That is, they have
not power to subdue us; to alienate our... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR I AM PERSUADED - I have a strong and unwavering confidence. Latin
Vulgate, “I am certain.” The expression here implies unwavering
NEITHER DEATH - Neither the fear of death, nor all the pains and
tortures of the dying scene, even in the most painful trials of
persecution; death in no... [ Continue Reading ]
NOR HEIGHT - This has been variously understood. Some have regarded it
as referring to evil spirits in the air; others, to high and lofty
speculation in doctrine; others, to heaven - to all that is in heaven.
I regard it here as a synonymous with prosperity, honor, elevation in
this life. The meanin... [ Continue Reading ]