For whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind, for menstealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine;

1. Whoremongers - Who are whoremongers? Are there any of these people in the church today?

2. Defile themselves with mankind - To what sins does this phrase have reference? Are there people in our world who defile themselves?

3. Menstealers - Does this word prohibit kidnapping? Dose this only deal with the stealing of slaves from another's plantation? Are there other ways that we could be menstealers?

4. Liars - What is a lie? Are there times when it is OK to lie? Are there degrees to lying? Does God accepts some forms of lying? It is a lie to "just not tell the whole truth"? It is a lie to tell a half-truth?

5. Perjured persons - Who are perjured persons? How does one become a perjured person?

6. Any other thing - What else could Paul have put here? Compare to the list of "works of the flesh" (Galatians 5:1-26) and the phrase - and such like.

7. Contrary - Name some things that can be contrary. Can people be contrary?

8. Sound Doctrine - What makes a doctrine sound? What does "sound" mean in this passage? What would make a teaching, or a teacher, unsound?

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Old Testament