He is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of words, where cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings.

1. Proud - Is it always wrong to have pride? Are there more than one kind of pride? What is wrong with being proud?

2. Doting - Have you ever seen anyone doting? How does a person dote?

3. Questions - What is wrong with asking questions? Can questions create envy, strife, etc.?

4. Envy - What is envy? Where does envy come from? How is envy created in people?

5. Strife - Why do churches have strife? What are some common causes of strife among members?

6. Railings - What does it mean to rail? Have you ever heard someone rail against God, the Bible or the church?

7. Surmisings - What are surmisings? What is the difference between evil surmisings and surmisings which are not evil?

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Old Testament