A strong warning is given to any who would "beguile" them wheter through wicked intent or mislead into wrong thinking. Church history shows how many are quickly lead away by every new fad that comes along. RED FLAG - MARK THIS DOWN - BE ASSURED - - - Christ will not come until there is a falling away first. NOTE: if apostasy is impossible, Christ will never come. The "man of sin" must be revealed. This man is so under sin that he is the embodiment of it. The "son of perditon", others translate "lawless one." Both terms fit the state of total evil, sin, lawlessness. This same term is used to describe Judas in John 17:12.

There has been much discussion about the identity of this man of sin. Is this a specific individual - Nero? Is this an office - Pope or Emperor? Is this a teaching - (pick a false doctrine that would lead men away)? Many suggestions have been offered - Hitler, Stalin, Henry Kissenger, Nero, the Pope. None of these fits the text.

Whoever or whatever this refers to -

[A] It was clear to the readers of the first century;

[B] It was already at work;

[C] Had already taken place by the time later books of the Bible were written. (Revelation 1:3)

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Old Testament