But they said to her, " You are beside yourself! " Yet she kept insisting that it was so. So they said, " It is his angel. "

1. Here are many Christians, members of the church, gathered together for prayer. They were there praying about Peter. They were concerned that Peter would die as James had died. It was a real threat and their fear and concern drove them to meet and pray.

2. But - when their prayer was answered - they did not believe that it could be true.

1. They told Rhoda that she was "crazy," "beside herself."

2. She kept telling them that it was true.

3. Then they said they she had seen his angel.

1. The Jews believed that each person had a special guardian angel.

2. They thought Peter had been killed and his angel was here to deliver the bad news to the church.

3. Read Luke 16:22 - where Lazarus died and angels carried him to Abraham's bosom.

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Old Testament