Paul wanted to have him go on with him. And he took him and circumcised him because of the Jews who were in that region, for they all knew that his father was Greek.

1. Paul wanted to have Timothy travel with him as he continued his missionary journey.

2. It was Paul's "modus operandi" to enter a new city and go first to the synagogue and teach Jews.

3. In order for Timothy to be allowed into Jewish synagogues, it was necessary to have him circumcised.

4. Some added notes:

1. Remember this follows the conference at Jerusalem concerning the "necessity" of circumcision for salvation. NO! Circumcision is not necessary for salvation.

2. But it was important for Timothy to enter synagogues and be accepted and be more effective.

3. There is an important distinction to understand. Necessary? No. Expedient? Yes.

4. Many things are not "commanded" as necessary for our salvation, but we choose to do them as helpful, expedient, and permitted.

1. Communion is required. Multiple trays with individual, disposable cups are not required but expedient.

2. Baptism is required. Fiberglas baptistery with heated and circulated water is not required, but expedient.

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Old Testament