And he brought them out and said, " Sirs, what must I do to be saved? "

1. "What must I do to be saved?" - The question is vital for all men.

2. Notice what Paul and Silas did NOT say:

1. They did not say - here is a long list of all the candles to light, prayers to repeat, incense to burn, passages to read and memorize, etc. They did not tell the jailer that salvation must be "earned" by doing many acts to merit salvation.

2. They did not say - Don't do anything. Salvation is all a free gift with no act of obedience or action on the part of man. Paul did not teach a salvation that is totally of God and with no requirement for man.

3. They did not say - Just wait to see if you are among the elect. If you are among the chosen of God then He will operate on your heart and save you.

4. They did not say - Just repeat the sinner's prayer and accept Jesus in you heart.

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Old Testament