but took leave of them, saying, " I must by all means keep this coming feast in Jerusalem; but I will return again to you, God willing. " And he sailed from Ephesus.

1. He not only refused to stay, he left.

2. He made a vow and was, God willing, going to keep it. So he sailed from Ephesus.

3. He promised to return. He was going to Jerusalem to keep the feast (and his vow) BUT, "I will return again to you, God willing."

1. Paul knows that he can not make a firm promise to see them again. There are too many things that can change his plans.

2. Paul uses the phrase, "God willing," to remind them that God may have different plans for his life. Paul, I am sure, remembered the times he wanted to go one direction and the Spirit forbid him.

3. James 4:15 - You ought to say, If the Lord will we will we will live and do this or that.

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Old Testament