I have shown you in every way, by laboring like this, that you must support the weak. And remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive. '"

1. Paul practiced what he preached. He cared for all with him. He taught that we must support the weak.

2. Weak physically - Help supply them with food, clothes, shelter, and other physical needs.

3. Weak spiritually - support, teaching, edification, admonition and instruction to bring them to stronger faith and dedication.

4. Paul quotes Jesus. This particular statement is not recorded in any of the gospels or by any other source close the Jesus.

1. Some believe this is just a paraphrase of sentiments of Jesus.

2. Others have suggested that this is a statement of Jesus during the time he was instructed by Jesus in Arabia.

3. We must remember that not every word spoken by Jesus was recorded. There were many things He said and did that are not recorded.

4. Many statements of Jesus, heard by the multitudes, were passed on to others orally. It may be that this is one of those statements that is an oral tradition.

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Old Testament