The Acts of the Apostles
Name / Title
1. Acts - meaning the activity, the actions
2. NOT Acts - as laws and ordinances
3. NOT Acts - as acting, pretense or hypocrisy
4. Titles of books are not inspired, given by men to identify them
5. It is, in fact, some of the acts of a few of the apostles
1. The first 10 chapters - the focus is on Peter
2. The rest of the book - the focus in on Paul
1. Acts 1:1 and Luke 1:1-4 - Luke is the author
2. Luke was a medical doctor - physician
3. Traveled with Paul on parts of 2 nd and 3 rd missionary journeys
4. Note the "they" and "we" passages in the book.
5. Luke and Acts - same style, same vocabulary
6. Acts picks up where Luke ended
Addressed to
1. Theophilus - A Greek name meaning "Lover of God"
2. Both Luke and Acts are written to the Greek world
3. Probably a Roman soldier or government official
4. "Most Excellent" (Luke 1:3) is a term used to address high ranking officers or government officials.
1. Tells about Paul in Rome - 62
2. But does not tell about the death of Paul - about 64
3. Most believe it was written about 63
Where Written
1. Probably from Rome - with Paul
2. See Acts 28:16
1. To tell the events that resulted from the life of Christ
2. To record the establishment, growth and spread of Christianity
1. Ascension; Selection of Mathias
2. Pentecost
3. Lame man healed
4. Before the council
5. Ananias and Sapphira
6. Grecian Widows
7. Stoning of Stephen
8. Samaria; Ethiopian
9. Saul
10. Cornelius
11. Acceptance of Gentiles
12. Peter escapes prison
13. First journey
14. Paul stoned at Lystra
15. Jerusalem conference
16. Second journey
17. Mars' Hill
18. Corinth
19. Twelve men at Ephesus
20. Meeting with Ephesus' elders
21. Ceasarea and Jerusalem
22. Paul's defense
23. Plot to kill Paul
24. Felix
25. Moved to Caesarea
26. King Agrippa
27. Shipwrecked
28. Arrives in Rome
The ABC's of Acts
(you should notice a pattern)
Chapter with key verses in parenthesis
1 Ascension of Christ (9).
Apostle appointed (26).
2 Beginning of the body (1-4).
3 Cripple cured (6).
4 Disciples detained (3).
5 Envious saints (1-2)
Escape from prison (17-20).
6 Faithful few chosen (seven) (3-6).
7 Great sermon by Stephen (entire chapter).
8 Here is water (36).
9 Into Damascus (8).
Instant life (40).
10 Journey from Joppa (23).
11 Kingdom includes Gentiles (18).
12 Liberated again (17).
13 Men sent out to preach (3-4).
Mark turns back (13).
14 Not gods, but men (15).
15 Old law not binding (23-24).
16 Philippians converted (12).
17 Questions on Mars' Hill (19)
18 Response of the Corinthians (8).
19 School at Ephesus (9).
Spread of God's word from Ephesus to all Asia (10).
Silversmith's strike (24).
20 Troas on the Lord's Day (6-7).
21 Uproar at Jerusalem (30-31).
22 Valiant defense (1-21).
Valuable citizenship (25-29).
23 Waiting to kill Paul (12-15).
24 Xcuse of Felix (25).
25 Yet untried (14).
26 Zealous before Agrippa (2-29).
27 First of journey to Rome (1)
28 Last of Acts, arriving in Rome (16).