Manly Luscombe Commentary on NT
Colossians 3:18-25
Practical Injunctions - 3:18 - 4:1
18Wives, submit to your own husbands, as is fitting in the Lord.
As he does in several letters, Paul spends some time in the practical area and addresses several groups of Christians.
SEB " put yourselves under your husbands authority" Thayer "to arrange under - subordinate - to subject one's self, to place under" Vine "a military term, to rank under"
This is where God intended the female to fit. (Genesis 2:18) There are only three restrictions place upon women because of their sex.
They are not to teach over the man.
They are not to be in power over the man.
They are to be in submission to their husbands.
Some feel this is a form of slavery. Wrong. Study the next verse. If the man loves his wife as he should, his rule will not be cruel. The restrictions listed are not rules of a sexists. They are rules of order. The male and female were created with the physical and emotional ability to fit each other's needs. Each is suited where the other is lacking. Neither should consider themselves as second class citizens in the kingdom of God. (Galatians 3:28) In the home, God has placed the man in authority.
18 - Wives should place themselves under their husbands. This fits God's plan.
19Husbands, love your wives and do not be bitter toward them.
To prevent the husband from being a cruel dictator, the husbands are given this command. See my comments on love at Colossians 3:14.
It may seem strange to command husbands to love their wives. Remember that love is not an emotion. It is a decision of the will. It is a decision about how we will treat and act toward others. Husbands must seek what is best for the wife, above his own desires.
The positive command is to love them. The negative command is - Do not be bitter against them.
NIV "don't be harsh with them" Phillips "do not let bitterness and resentment spoil your marriage" As the wife is to submit, so the husband is to treat her with honor (1 Peter 3:7) and the mutual respect (Ephesians 5:21) due her. Thayer "bitter gall, bitter root, bitter hatred" Vine "to embitter, irritate, or make bitter."
Ephesians 5:21 teaches mutual respect. Often the most intelligent thing a husband can do is listen to his wife. Husbands must not be guilty of "ruling the roost." The husband is the head of the house. The wife is the neck. Often it is the neck that turns the head.
19 - Husbands are to love their wives. They must not allow bitterness to destroy the relationship.
20Children, obey your parents in all things, for this is well pleasing to the Lord.
Children are to obey their parents (plural) both of them. Both parents are involved in the guiding, teaching, and decisions concerning their children. The children are to obey. Vine "to listen, to attend, to obey"
In obeying parents, we please Christ. The way to please God is through our service to others. When we treat others in a proper manner we are pleasing God. Study Matthew 25:31-46; Matthew 10:40-42. Children should be taught to obey parents, teachers, and others in authority because this is the way to please God.
20 - Children are to obey their parents in everything. This is the way children can please God.
21Fathers, do not provoke your children, lest they become discouraged.
Fathers are next to be addressed. There are two commands for fathers.
Do not provoke your children. NASB "do not exasperate" Phillips "don't over correct" NIV "not embitter" This word is of the same root as "bitter" in verse 19. Our strength often becomes our weakness. When our ability to lead, make decisions and control gets out of hand it leads to bitterness and rebellion. Men are to be dominate, but not dominating. The are to be in charge, but not bossy. This is a very important point for elders and deacons because it demonstrates their leadership style.
Don't let them become discouraged. NASB "lose heart" Phillips "grow up feeling inferior and frustrated" Fathers set the atmosphere in which their wives and children will live. The Greek word translated "discouraged" is "athumeo." Vine "a-negative, thumos - spirit, courage, feeling, passion (hence Eng., fume) Thayer "disheartened, dispirited, broken in spirit" Harsh rebuking will lead to rebellion.
21 - Fathers should not treat their children with harsh rebuking. This will only lead to bitterness and resentment.
22Bondservants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh, not with eye service, as men pleasers, but in sincerity of heart, fearing God.
Paul addresses those Christians who are bond slaves. There are three types of servants in the time of the New Testament. 1) The slave. 2) The hired servant. 3) An employee. We abhor slavery in any form. But whether one was a slave or a master who owned slaves was not a factor in their ability to be a Christian.
I made this point in Russia. Communist state or free, does not change our ability to obey, worship and serve God.
Picture this - At a church assembly there are both slaves and masters. Can you imagine a slave leading his master in prayer? Can you imagine a slave being one of the elders?
Obey in all things. On the job, they are the boss. Obey them. While we do not have slavery in America, the rules would apply to all employees. If you work for someone you have the responsibility to obey them.
NIV "not only when they are looking on you" SEB "don't serve them only when under the master's eye, diligently performed when he is looking, but neglected in his absence."
We must not be a man pleaser. ZA "desirous of pleasing men" Vine "one who endeavors to please men and not God" Phillips "not with the idea of curring vavor"
We must fear God. Thayer "reverence, venerate" Vine "a wholesome dread of displeasing him, a fear which banishes the terror that shrinks from His presence."
22 - Slaves are to obey their masters in this human relationship. Seek to please them, not just when thei are watching, but with integrity of heart. You are really working for God.
23And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men,
NIV "work at it with all your heart" SEB "work at it really hard" Phillips "put your whole hear and soul into it" We must never be guilty of working at less than our best. If we feel we are underpaid, if working conditions are not the best, of our boss is hard to please - we must do the best job we can. God expects us to do the best we can with what ability we have, where we are. "Bloom where you are planted"
Remember - it is not the boss, the company or the place. We are working for God. God is our boss. You are really working for Christ. He is your Master. How would you act if Christ asked you to do a job? Phillips "as unto work done for the Lord."
23 - Work at everything you do will all the ability you have. Put everything into all you do. Remember: You are working for Christ, not men.
24knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ.
At the end of the week (or month) you will get a paycheck. But the real reward is from God. You receive a paycheck from your employer, but that is only to tide you over until you get the REAL pay - heaven. "The Christian's retirement benefits are out of this world." Any rewards you get now are just to carry us through until the inheritance is given to us.
NASB "It is the Lord Christ whom you serve" Remember that it is in serving others that we serve Christ.
Many are caught up in their jobs and feel trapped in a life cycle of work and sleep. Many people go to work without purpose to their lives. Life becomes full of stress or it becomes dull and boring. We overlook the fact that Christ is our Master. We are working for Him. How can that be dull?
24 - Your reward will come from the Lord. Christ is your Master.
25But he who does wrong will be repaid for what he has done, and there is no partiality.
There will also be rewards for the wicked. Phillips "wicked man will be punished for his misdeeds" SEB "paid back for the wrong" NASB "receive the consequences of the wrong"
If you have been treated unfairly, do not take revenge. God will deal with the wicked. (Romans 12:19-21) If we punish others, we become as wrong as they are and we are acting in the place that belongs to God. God uses civil authorities to punish those who do wrong.
There will be no favoritism in God's judgment. God is just and equal. God is an impartial judge.
25 - If a man treats others unfairly (whether he is a master or a slave) he will receive the consequences of his wrong. God punishes without showing favoritism.