Manly Luscombe Commentary on NT
Galatians 1:20-22
Paul went where he was not personally known. Fame is not needed to preach the Gospel.
Paul went where he was not personally known. Fame is not needed to preach the Gospel.
Verse 20. _BEFORE GOD I LIE NOT._] This he speaks in reference to having seen only _Peter_ and _James_ at Jerusalem; and consequently to prove that he had not learned the Gospel from the assembly of t...
BEHOLD, BEFORE GOD I LIE NOT - This is an oath, or a solemn appeal to God; see the note at Romans 9:1. The design of this oath here is to prevent all suspicion of falsehood, It may seem to be remarkab...
ANALYSIS AND ANNOTATIONS I. THE TESTIMONY OF PAUL CONCERNING HIS APOSTOLIC AUTHORITY AND THE GOSPEL CHAPTER 1 _ 1. The Introduction. (Galatians 1:1)_ 2. The Rebuke. (Galatians 1:6) 3. Paul's Gospe...
Not till he had been three years a Christian and a Christian preacher did he come in contact with the earlier apostles; and then but slightly. He visited Cephas at Jerusalem, spending a fortnight with...
Then, three years after that, I went up to Jerusalem to visit Cephas, and I stayed with him a fortnight. I saw no other apostle except James, the Lord's brother. As for what I am writing to you--befor...
BEHOLD. Greek. _idou_. App-193.:...
Considering that the vital question of St Paul's credentials was at stake, we need not wonder at this solemn asseveration and appeal to the judgment of God....
Ἃ ΔῈ ΓΡΆΦΩ ὙΜΙ͂Ν κ.τ.λ. “It is a matter of life and death to the Apostle to prove his independence of the twelve” (Jowett). St Paul’s asseveration refers primarily to what he has already stated about...
_A short visit to Jerusalem and then a long absence. Yet the churches of Judaea, though they knew me not by sight, recognized me and my work_ (Galatians 1:18) Then three years from my conversion I did...
10–2:21. ST PAUL’S DEFENCE OF HIMSELF 10–12. _My one object is to please God, and to serve Christ, who revealed to me the Gospel_ (Galatians 1:10) I say “now,” for my words show clearly that I care n...
ΨΕΎΔΟΜΑΙ _praes. ind. med. (dep.)_ (G5574) лгать. Сравнение заявления Павла с присягой, которая давалась перед римскими судебными заседаниями, _см._ J. W. Sampley, "Before God, I Do Not Lie' (Gal. 1:2...
BEFORE GOD, I LIE NOT.— A revelation of the facts and doctrines of Christianity immediately from Jesus Christ himself, without the assistance of any human teacher, so wonderfully agreeing in all its b...
c) His visit to Jerusalem was not long enough for instruction in the gospel. Galatians 1:18-24 TEXT 1:18-24 (18) Then after three years I went up to Jerusalem to visit Cephas, and tarried with him f...
Now the things which I write unto you, behold, before God, I lie not. Solemn asseveration that his visit was only for fifteen days, and that he saw no apostle except Peter and James Probably it was...
ST. PAUL MAINTAINS THE VALIDITY OF HIS APOSTLESHIP AND THE TRUTH OF HIS GOSPEL 1-5. The Apostle sends greetings from himself and the brethren with him to the Churches of Galatia, reminding them at th...
Paul wanted to convince the Christians in Galatia that he was not lying. The false teachers did not like what Paul taught about Jesus. So they lied about Paul. But Paul knew that he was innocent. And...
CHRIST HAS MADE US FREE GALATIANS _HELEN POCOCK_ ABOUT PAUL’S LETTER TO THE GALATIANS THE WRITER Paul wrote this letter. His name used to be Saul. He was called Saul until Acts 13:9, when he was...
(18-24) Nor did that consultation with the elder Apostles, which had hitherto been impossible, take place when, at last, after the lapse of three years, the Apostle did go up to Jerusalem. He saw inde...
A solemn asseveration of the truth of these statements as to the extent of the Apostle’s relation with the elder disciples....
CHAPTER 6 PAUL AND THE PRIMITIVE CHURCH. Galatians 1:18 FOR the first two years of his Christian life, Paul held no intercourse whatever with the Church at Jerusalem and its chiefs. His relation wit...
The solemnity of this appeal to God in attestation of His truth marks at once the importance which Paul attached to his independence of human teachers, and the persistency of the misrepresentation to...
FROM CHRIST, NOT FROM MEN Galatians 1:18 Paul's first visit to Peter must have been of absorbing interest. Doubtless the two traversed together the holy scenes of the Lord's ministry, and Peter told...
In the beginning of most of his epistles Paul definitely declares his apostleship. In this instance, in a parenthesis, he defends that declaration more emphatically than in any other introduction. The...
Now the things which I write unto you, behold, (o) before God, I lie not. (o) This is a type of an oath....
(13) For ye have heard of my conversation in time past in the Jews' religion, how that beyond measure I persecuted the church of God, and wasted it: (14) And profited in the Jews' religion above many...
Galatians 1:1-24. We saw the second of Corinthians characterized by the most rapid transitions of feeling, by a deep and fervent sense of God's consolations, by a revulsion so much the more powerful i...
20._Now the things which I write to you_. This affirmation extends to the whole narrative. The vast earnestness of Paul on this subject is evinced by his resorting to an oath, which cannot lawfully be...
The epistle to the Galatians sets before us the great source of the afflictions and conflicts of the apostle in the regions where he had preached the glad tidings; that which was at the same time the...
NOW THE THINGS WHICH I WRITE UNTO YOU,.... Concerning his education, his religion, his principles and practices before conversion; concerning his call by the grace of God, the revelation of Christ in...
Now the things which I write unto you, behold, before God, I lie not. Ver. 20. _Behold, before God, I lie not_] This he solemnly sweareth for their satisfaction. An oath may be lawfully taken to help...
_Now the things which I write unto you_ With respect to all these circumstances of them; _I lie not_ As I affirm before God, who searcheth the heart, and from whom nothing is hid. _Afterward_ Departin...
Paul's visit to Jerusalem:...
INTRODUCTION: PAUL'S CREDENTIALS (vs.1-5) Paul writes as an apostle, a sent-one entrusted by God to carry an authoritative message to which Christians must fully bow. "Not from men" (v.1). No human i...
15-24 St. Paul was wonderfully brought to the knowledge and faith of Christ. All who are savingly converted, are called by the grace of God; their conversion is wrought by his power and grace working...
Whether those words, BEFORE GOD, make this sentence an oath, is not material to determine; they are either an oath, or a very serious asseveration. If the apostle designed to call God for a witness, t...
Now touching the things which I write unto you, behold, before God, I lie not....
Galatians 1:20 Now G1161 which G3739 write G1125 (G5719) you G5213 indeed G2400 (G5628) before G1799 God...
‘Now concerning the things about which I am writing to you, behold, before God I am not lying.' He is so concerned that they believe the truth of what he is saying that he confirms his complete hones...
PAUL DECLARES HIS CREDENTIALS AND STATES HIS CASE (GALATIANS 1:11 - GALATIANS 2:21). Paul will now make clear to them what his credentials are. If they ask, why should they listen to him, he will now...
_Apostolical Call and Authority of Paul._ Paul now enters upon his apology. He defends first his independent apostolical dignity (Galatians 1:11 to Galatians 2:11). and proves that he was called direc...
Galatians 1:20. This solemn asseveration refers to the statement Galatians 1:18-19. Judaizing opponents had probably spread the report in Galatia that Paul spent a much longer time in Jerusalem, and w...
I LIE NOT (ου ψευδομα). So important does he deem the point that he takes solemn oath about it....
Galatians 1:20 Men-pleasing. I. Deliverance from the fear of men and from the necessity of always seeking to please men may be taken as a general description of the liberty of Christians; while, on t...
Galatians 1:11. But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel that was preached of me is not after man. For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but the revelation of Jesus Christ. Fo...
Galatians 1:1. _Paul, an apostle, (not of men, neither by man, but by Jesus Christ, and God the Father, who raised him from the dead;)_ Paul begins this Epistle by stating his commission as an apostl...
CONTENTS: The Gospel Paul preached, a revelation not tradition. CHARACTERS: God, Christ, Paul, Peter, James. CONCLUSION: The Gospel declared by the apostles was by revelation of Jesus Christ. It is...
Galatians 1:1. _Paul an apostle, not of men, neither by man._ Paul was not a member of the church of the firstborn, suckled with her breasts, and edified by her ministry. Christ had specially appeared...
WHAT I WRITE IS TRUE. Paul affirms that he is _in fact_ a divinely appointed apostle of Christ, and calls God to be his witness that he speaks the truth!!!...
_I lie not._ TRUTHFULNESS; ITS VIOLATION Untruthfulness is something more than direct and deliberate misstatement, _e.g., _by the practice of making excuses for faults in conduct which do not fairly...
GALATIANS—NOTE ON GALATIANS 1:19 NONE OF THE OTHER APOSTLES EXCEPT JAMES. This implies that James was among “the apostles,” though he was not one of the original 12 (see note on 1 Cor. 9:4–5)....
GALATIANS—NOTE ON GALATIANS 1:10 Indirect Appeal: Paul’s Ministry and the Gospel. Paul received the gospel directly from Jesus Christ (see Acts 9:1;...
SAINT PAUL'S EPISTLE TO THE GALATIANS CHAPTER 1 CONTENTS The Galatians were Gentiles who emigrated from Gaul into Greece, and so were called Gallo-Greeks. Suidas thinks that these Gauls were Sennon...
_CRITICAL AND EXPLANATORY NOTES_ Galatians 1:24. THEY GLORIFIED GOD IN ME.—He does not say, adds Chrysostom, they marvelled at me, they praised me, they were struck with admiration of me, but he attr...
EXPOSITION GALATIANS 1:1 _The_ _introductory greeting. _The style of this greeting, compared with those found in St. Paul's other Epistles, gives indications of his having addressed himself to the co...
Galatia was not a city. It was a territory. It encompassed an area that is now in Turkey. There were several churches founded by Paul in Galatia. And following Paul's evangelistic efforts through the...
2 Corinthians 11:10; 2 Corinthians 11:11; 2 Corinthians 11:31; Romans 9:1...
I lie not. Comp. Romans 9:1; 2 Corinthians 11:31; 1 Timothy 2:7....
TURNING FROM GRACE Galatians 1:1 INTRODUCTORY WORDS Our study of today carries us into some very vital relationships relative to salvation. We are all willing to grant that works hold a vital place...
Observe, here, that St. Paul, having to do with the false apostles and the seduced Galatians, whom, he had just cause to suspect, would not (as they ought) give much credit to his word; he asserts the...