Manly Luscombe Commentary on NT
James 1:16
Why are we given a warning about being deceived? How are brethren deceived? Does this verse refer to the passage above OR the statement to follow?
Why are we given a warning about being deceived? How are brethren deceived? Does this verse refer to the passage above OR the statement to follow?
Verse 16. _DO NOT ERR_] By supposing that God is the author of sin, or that he impels any man to commit it....
DO NOT ERR, MY BELOVED BRETHREN - This is said as if there were great danger of error in the point under consideration. The point on which he would guard them, seems to have been in respect to the opi...
ANALYSIS AND ANNOTATIONS I. TRIALS AND THE EXERCISE OF FAITH CHAPTER 1 _ 1. Trials and the power of faith (James 1:1)_ 2. The resources of faith (James 1:5) 3. The realization of faith (James 1:9...
The Beatitude on Endurance (_cf. James 5:11_ and note). Trial is still neutral: it is affliction which tests and develops loyalty. But since human nature has a bias towards evil, a trial exerted upon...
My dear brothers, do not he deceived. Every good gift and every perfect boon comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is none of that changeableness which comes from changing shadows. Of...
GREETINGS (James 1:1) _ 1:1 James, the slave of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, sends greetings to the twelve tribes who are scattered throughout the world._ At the very beginning of his letter Ja...
DO NOT ERR. Be not deceived. BELOVED. App-135....
God and His perfect gifts 16. _Do not err_ The absolute goodness of God had been presented so far on its negative side as excluding all origination of evil. But the writer feels that that is but a pa...
_SCRIPTURAL VIEW OF TRIALS -- JAMES 1:2-17:_ Christians must be "positive" when trials come their way. The man who properly reacts to trials must not react as a pessimist. "My brethren, count it all j...
ΠΛΑΝΆΣΘΕ _praes. imper. med._/pass, от ΠΛΑΝΆΩ (G4105) сбивать с пути, обманывать. Med. или _pass._ может быть разрешительным: "Не позволяйте себя обманывать". ΑΓΑΠΗΤΌΣ (G27) возлюбленный, выражение п...
DISCOURSE: 2358 GOD THE ONLY SOURCE OF ALL GOOD James 1:16. _Do not err, my beloved brethren. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with who...
DO NOT ERR, &C.— Or, _Be not deceived._...
THE SOURCE OF ALL GOOD THINGS _Text 1:16-18_ 16. Be not deceived, my beloved brethren. 17. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom c...
CHAPTER III _RECEIVING FROM GOD_ James 1:16-27 _Introduction_ After fourteen verses of showing the Way of the Wise, James has concluded that our trials are good for us, producing steadfastnessthat...
Do not err, my beloved brethren. Do not err in attributing to God temptation to evil; nay "every good," all that is good on earth, comes from God....
VERSE 16. DO NOT ERR, MY BELOVED BRETHREN. Here is a solemn charge urged with much force by James, the writer of this Epistle. Now, in what respect were they liable to err? Evidently in the possible t...
1 James is never called an apostle and does not write this epistle in that character. Rather, he puts himself in the place of a slave. Hence the epistle is not concerned with authoritative teaching so...
THE POWER OF FAITH UNDER TEMPTATION 1. Servant] better, 'slave.' The word does not suggest any degradation, but only absolute surrender to the Master. St. James's humility prevents the mention of the...
WHAT *FAITH SHOULD DO JAMES _IAN MACKERVOY_ The word list at the end explains words with a *star by them. INTRODUCTION 1 THE WRITER James is the writer of the letter. But he does not tell us...
DO NOT ERR, MY BELOVED BRETHREN. — Thus far James the Wise has declared what God is not, what qualities are alien to Him; but this is only a negative aspect of the truth, and he now would show the pos...
(12-18) The Apostle returns to the consideration of the afflicted Christian. Such a one has a blessedness, greater infinitely than any earthly happiness, already in possession, and the promise of a fu...
(2-27) Immediately after the salutation, and with more or less a play upon the word which we translate “greeting” (“rejoice,” James 1:1; “count it all joy,” James 1:2) there follow appeals on behalf o...
CHAPTER 8 THE SOURCE OF TEMPTATIONS AND THE REALITY OF SIN THE DIFFICULTIES OF THE DETERMINIST. James 1:12 AFTER the slight digression respecting the short-lived glory of the rich man, St. James ret...
GOD REWARDS, NOT TEMPTS James 1:12 The word _temptation_ may stand for trial and testing, without implying that there is any necessary impulse toward evil; or it may stand for the direct impulse of t...
James wrote to Christians in the midst of temptation and trial. He showed first that the issue of testing is that they "may be perfect and entire, lacking in nothing." It is therefore to be looked upo...
GOD IS THE SOURCE OF GOOD Do not make the mistake of believing that God tempts us to do evil. He would not give man two such unwanted offspring. Instead, God is the source of everything that is good ...
(13) Do not err, my beloved brethren. (13) Another reason taken from opposites: God is the author of all goodness, and so, since he is always like himself; how then can he be thought to be the author...
_Do not err, nor deceive yourselves by yielding to temptation; beg God his supporting grace, for every good gift is from him. (Witham)_...
Do not err, my beloved brethren. (17) Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. (18) Of...
To the reader who enters on the consideration of the epistle of James from the epistles of Paul, the change is great and sudden, and by no means least of all from the epistle to the Hebrews, which, in...
16_Do not err_. This is an argument from what is opposite; for as God is the author of all good, it is absurd to suppose him to be the author of evil. To do good is what properly belongs to him, and a...
The Epistle of James is not addressed to the assembly, and does not take the ground of apostolic authority over the persons to whom it is sent. It is a practical exhortation which still recognises the...
DO NOT ERR, MY BELOVED BRETHREN. For to make God the author of sin, or to charge him with being concerned in temptation to sin, is a very great error, a fundamental one, which strikes at the nature an...
Do not err, my beloved brethren. Ver. 16. _Do not err_] Wander not, as wandering stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness for ever, Judges 1:13, by seeking to father your faults upon God,...
_Do not err_, &c. By supposing that God is the author of sin, or that any thing which is sinful in the heart or conduct of man can, with truth, be ascribed to him: as well might darkness and coldness...
DO NOT ERR; in the matter now under consideration, by thinking of God as if he could tempt to sin....
GOD'S FATHERHOOD AND THE OBLIGATIONS OF SONSHIP. God's fatherhood and the acceptance of His Word:...
This chapter has a very close relationship to the Old Testament, for all is seen in connection with God; and Christ is not yet spoken of as the center and essence of all blessing and of all direction...
'Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren'. 'Do not be deceived' -'make no mistake' (Arndt p. 665). It includes the idea of deceiving yourself. Christians are often warned against being deceived (1 Cor...
12-18 It is not every man who suffers, that is blessed; but he who with patience and constancy goes through all difficulties in the way of duty. Afflictions cannot make us miserable, if it be not our...
Viz. in imputing your sins to God, and saying, that when you are tempted you are tempted of him....
Epistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians Do not err, my brethren.[112] Epistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians Do not err, my brethren.[114]...
James 1:16 Do G4105 not G3361 deceived G4105 (G5744) my G3450 beloved G27 brethren G80 Do -...
‘Be not deceived, my beloved brothers.' He is concerned that his readers as ‘my beloved brothers' are not ‘deceived'. The expression of deep affection stresses the importance of what he is saying. It...
James 1:16. DO NOT ERR a common Pauline expression, elsewhere always translated, ‘Be not deceived.' Here it refers rather to what precedes than to what follows. Be not deceived in this matter, in supp...
BE NOT DECEIVED (μη πλανασθε). Prohibition with μη and the present passive imperative of πλαναω, common verb to lead astray. This is the way of sin to deceive and to kill (Romans 7:7-14). The devil...
James 1:1. _James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting._ According to the teaching of some in the present day, the apostle should...
James 1:1. _James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting._ The apostle James evidently believed in no lost ten tribes, as some nowad...
James 1:1. _James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting._ «Where are the lost ten tribes?» asks somebody. They never were lost. Tha...
James 1:1. _James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting._ James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ. He was an apostle,...
CONTENTS: Testing of faith. Solicitation to evil not of God. Obedience as a test of true faith. CHARACTERS: God, Christ, James. CONCLUSION: Such as have a true title in Jesus Christ through faith may...
James 1:1. _James, a servant of God, and of the Lord Jesus Christ._ He does not style himself an _apostle,_ because he would not assume any superiority; yet the majesty of his address is the language...
DO NOT BE DECEIVED! "Do not let the false teachers fool you into believing that God himself is the source of sin, and will not punish it!...
JAMES 1:2 The Testing of Faith. Trials are part of God’s “good gifts” (v. James 1:17) to his people, to strengthen them in their faith....
JAMES—NOTE ON JAMES 1:13 James turns to the other side of trials, when testing becomes temptation. ⇐ ⇔...
_CRITICAL AND EXEGETICAL NOTES_ James 1:17. FATHER OF LIGHTS.—The luminaries of heaven; as symbols of all kinds of lights, natural, intellectual, spiritual. SHADOW OF TURNING.—Or shadow that is cast b...
EXPOSITION JAMES 1:1 SALUTATION. JAMES, A SERVANT OF GOD AND OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST. (On the person who thus describes himself, see the Introduction) It is noteworthy that he keeps entirely out of...
Let's turn to James chapter one. James introduces himself as the bondslave of God and of Jesus Christ. It's a title that most of the apostles delighted to take. Renouncing any claim for any rights, tu...
2 Timothy 2:18; Colossians 2:4; Colossians 2:8; Galatians 6:7; He
Do not err — It is a grievous error to ascribe the evil and not the good which we receive to God....
As if he had said, "Be not deceived about the causes of good and evil; sin and death are certainly from ourselves. Let us therefore never ascribe either our sins or our temptations unto God: but every...