Manly Luscombe Commentary on NT
James 2:15
How should we treat a poor brother or sister? What does the word “benevolence” mean? What does the word “destitute” imply? What about a widow who is destitute? (1 Timothy 5:5)
How should we treat a poor brother or sister? What does the word “benevolence” mean? What does the word “destitute” imply? What about a widow who is destitute? (1 Timothy 5:5)
Verse 15. _IF A BROTHER OR SISTER BE NAKED_] That is, ill-clothed; for γυμνος, _naked_, has this meaning in several parts of the New Testament, signifying bad clothing, or the want of some particular...
IF A BROTHER OR SISTER BE NAKED ... - The comparison in these verses is very obvious and striking. The sense is, that faith in itself, without the acts that correspond to it, and to which it would pro...
II. THE ROYAL LAW: FAITH AND WORKS CHAPTER 2 _ 1. The faith of Christ with respect to persons (James 2:1)_ 2. The royal law (James 2:6) 3. Faith must be manifested by works (James 2:14)...
The surface contradiction between James and Paul, which made Luther call this an epistle of straw, and the Tü bingen critics hail it as a Judaist's attack upon Paulinism, troubles no one now, simply b...
My brothers, what use is it, if a man claims to have faith and has no deeds to show? Are you going to claim that his faith is able to save him? If a brother or sister has nothing to wear and if they h...
My brothers, what use is it if a man claims to have faith and has no deeds to show? Are you going to claim that his faith is able to save him? If a brother or sister has nothing to wear, and if they h...
RESPECT OF PERSONS (James 2:1) _ 2:1 My brothers, you cannot really believe that you have faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ, and yet continue to have respect of persons._ Respect of persons is...
BE. Greek. _huparcho._ See Luke 9:48. DESTITUTE. lacking. Greek. _leipo_, as in James 1:4; James 1:5. DAILY. Greek. _ephemeros._ Only here....
_If a brother or sister_ The words are not necessarily used in the sense in which they imply the profession of faith in Christ as they are, e. g., in Acts 10:23; Acts 11:1; 1 Corinthians 5:11. Every I...
Justification by Faith and Works 14. _though a man say he hath faith_ The section on which we now enter has been the battle-field of almost endless controversies. It led Luther in the boldness of a ze...
ἈΔΕΛΦῸΣ Ἢ�, a recurring reminder of the relationship of the disciples to one another. ΓΥΜΝΟῚ ὙΠΆΡΧΩΣΙΝ κ.τ.λ., comp. Matthew 25:35-36. In later Judaism the duty of almsgiving was vividly realised. Thi...
14–26. THE RELATION BETWEEN ΠΊΣΤΙΣ AND ἜΡΓΑ:—a subject suggested by the preceding paragraph, but also probably by one of the questions referred to St James for solution. Such questions were frequently...
_GOD STATES THE MESSAGE CLEARLY -- JAMES 2:14-18:_ The heart of the message of the book of James is "Faith in Action." James teaches that faith without works is barren or dead. Saving faith demands wo...
ΑΔΕΛΦΉ (G79) сестра, ΓΥΜΝΌΣ (G1131) обнаженный. Это слово не обязательно обозначает полную наготу, оно может использоваться по отношению к человеку, на котором надета только нижняя одежда, или очень...
FAITH-ONLY IS DEAD, BEING ALONE (EXAMPLE NO. 1) _Text 2:15-17_ James 2:15. If a brother or sister be naked and in lack of food, 16. and one of you say unto them, Go in peace, be ye warmed and fil...
CHAPTER V. _THE DEVIL'S FAITH_ James 2:14-26 _Introduction_ Faith has come to mean some kind of magic word by which men shall do the impossible, even to the acquisition of heaven. The word really m...
If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food, Greek, 'But if,' etc., taking up the argument against, one who 'said he had faith, yet had not works.' A BROTHER ... - a fellow-Chris...
VERSE 15 IF A BROTHER OR A SISTER BE NAKED, AND DESTITUTE OF DAILY FOOD. The apostle for his illustration is careful to select members of the household of faith. The case so selected is a strong one...
26 The outward form of divine service, the rites and ceremonies of the sacerdotal system of Moses, was but the exterior shell of truth. It was the letter: truth was the spirit. The ritual was full of...
WARNINGS AGAINST RESPECT OF PERSONS. BELIEF AND PRACTICE 1. Another instance of inconsistency. JESUS CHRIST _the Lord_ OF GLORY] better, 'Jesus Christ the glory,' or 'the glorious one,' One of the ra...
WHAT *FAITH SHOULD DO JAMES _IAN MACKERVOY_ The word list at the end explains words with a *star by them. CHAPTER 2 RESPECT OF PERSONS 2:1-7 V1 My Christian brothers and sisters, you trust th...
BUT (the word should be added, for it continues an argument) IF A BROTHER OR SISTER BE NAKED, AND DESTITUTE OF DAILY FOOD — _i.e.,_ the food for each day, not that which suffices for one, or for a pre...
(14-26) FAITH AND WORKS. — We now enter on the most debatable ground of the Epistle; a battle-field strewn with the bones and weapons of countless adversaries. It is an easy thing to shoot “arrows, ev...
In accordance with the very practical nature of the writer, he now proceeds to give an illustration of his thesis which is bound to appeal; he must have been a telling preacher. ἐὰν : the addition of...
On this section see Introduction IV., § 2. There are a few points worth drawing attention to, in connection with the subject treated of in these verses, before we come to deal with the passage in deta...
DEEDS THE EVIDENCE OF FAITH James 2:14 The Apostle is speaking here of a faith that does not result in a changed life. It is the faith which believes _about_ Jesus Christ, as distinguished from that...
Proceeding, James dealt with the effect of faith on conduct. It makes it impossible to show any respect of persons on the ground of the possession of worldly wealth. To show such respect shows that th...
A FAITH THAT DOES NOT WORK IS USELESS Those who claimed to have faith but failed to be fair in their treatment of the poor, as well as rich, had a faith that would not save them. James does not say th...
(9) If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food, (9) The first reason taken from a comparison: if a man says to one who is hungry "Fill your belly" and yet gives him nothing, this is...
What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? can faith save him? (15) If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food, (16) And one of you say unt...
To the reader who enters on the consideration of the epistle of James from the epistles of Paul, the change is great and sudden, and by no means least of all from the epistle to the Hebrews, which, in...
15_If a brother_, or, _For if a brother_. He takes an example from what was connected with his subject; for he had been exhorting them to exercise the duties of love. If any one, on the contrary, boas...
The apostle now enters on the subject of those who professed to believe that Jesus was Christ the Lord. Before, in Chapter 1, he had spoken of the new nature in connection with God: here the professio...
IF A BROTHER OR SISTER,.... A Christian man or woman, a fellow member of a church of Christ; for this relation is to be understood in a spiritual sense, though it does not exclude such who are in this...
If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food, Ver. 15. _If a brother or a sister_] As it may befall the best to be, and they are not of the chameleon kind, to live (with Ephraim) upon...
_What doth it profit_ From James 1:22, the apostle has been enforcing Christian practice; he now applies to those who neglected this under the pretence of faith. St. Paul had taught, that _a man is ju...
Proof of faith demanded in brotherly love:...
The first 13 verses of this chapter form a second division of the book, dealing with the faith of Christ as being above all personal considerations, perfectly true and impartial. To mix the faith of C...
"If. brother or sister is without clothing and in need of daily food,"without clothing" -"naked" (KJV), "ill-clad" (Mof). Without sufficient clothing (Matthew 25:36; Acts 19:16). "in need of daily foo...
14-26 Those are wrong who put a mere notional belief of the gospel for the whole of evangelical religion, as many now do. No doubt, true faith alone, whereby men have part in Christ's righteousness,...
IF A BROTHER OR SISTER; a Christian man or woman, who are frequently thus called: see 1 CORINTHIANS 7:12,15. BE NAKED; badly clothed, or destitute of such clothing as is fit for them, Job 22:6 1 Co
James 2:15 If G1437 G1161 brother G80 or G2228 sister G79 is G5225 (G5725) naked G1131 and...
‘If a brother or sister be naked and in lack of daily food, and one of you say to them, “Go in peace, be you warmed and filled”, but you do not give them the things needful to the body, what does it p...
The Reply Comes, ‘But Surely If We Have Faith That Is Enough. Will We Not Be Seen To Be Righteous Because We Have Faith In Christ? Then Surely It Does Not Really Matter How We Behave Towards Others'....
James 2:14-26. In this passage James continues to enforce practical religion. He tells his readers that faith destitute of works is of no avail to the saving of the soul, and is as useless as a charit...
James 2:15. To prove the uselessness of a barren faith, the apostle illustrates the subject by showing the uselessness of a barren charity, which every one will at once admit; and this illustration is...
IF A BROTHER OR SISTER BE NAKED (εαν αδελφος η αδελφη γυμνο υπαρχωσιν). Condition again of third class (supposable case) with εαν and present active subjunctive of υπαρχω, to exist, in the plural th...
CONTENTS: The tests of brotherly love and good words. Justification before men by our works. CHARACTERS: Christ, James, Abraham, Isaac, Rahab. CONCLUSION: Those who are possessors of Christ's salvat...
James 2:1. _Have not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with respect of persons._ See James 1:1. The whole of this chapter turns on charity, which is the excellence of pure religio...
SUPPOSE. "To show you the foolishness of claiming to have faith without the proof of actions, think about this example....
JAMES 2:14 Faith without Works Is Dead. James continues the theme that hearing/faith must lead to doing/works. It may seem that James contradicts Paul’s “by grace you have been saved through faith......
JAMES—NOTE ON JAMES 2:15 GO IN PEACE, BE WARMED AND FILLED. An example of faith without works. The person seems to be expressing concern for the poor, but in reality he refuses to help....
_CRITICAL AND EXEGETICAL NOTES_ James 2:14. SAY.—Or, “make profession.” The man may really have the faith, but it cannot be an _effective_ faith if it finds no expression in actions. “Faith, without a...
EXPOSITION JAMES 2:1 WARNING AGAINST RESPECT OF PERSONS. JAMES 2:1 The translation is doubtful, two renderings being possible. (1) That of the A.V. and R.
Now my brothers, have not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with respect of persons (James 2:1). This is so difficult. It is so easy for us to fall in the trap of respecting pers...
Acts 9:29; Ezekiel 18:7; Hebrews 11:37; Isaiah 58:10; Isaiah 58:7;...
Be [υ π α ρ χ ω σ ι ν]. The distinction between this word and the simple einai, to be, is very subtle. The verb uJparcw originally means to make a beginning; hence, to begin or to come into being; and...