Manly Luscombe Commentary on NT
James 2:24
Is man justified by: a)faith, b) works, c) both, or d) neither? Explain the denominational teaching of “faith only.” How many times does this phrase occur in the New Testament?
Is man justified by: a)faith, b) works, c) both, or d) neither? Explain the denominational teaching of “faith only.” How many times does this phrase occur in the New Testament?
Verse 24. _YE SEE THEN HOW_] It is evident from this example that Abraham's faith was not merely _believing that there is a God_; but a principle that led him to credit God's promises relative to the...
YE SEE THEN - From the course of reasoning pursued, and the example referred to. HOW THAT BY WORKS A MAN IS JUSTIFIED, AND NOT BY FAITH ONLY - Not by a cold, abstract, inoperative faith. It must be by...
II. THE ROYAL LAW: FAITH AND WORKS CHAPTER 2 _ 1. The faith of Christ with respect to persons (James 2:1)_ 2. The royal law (James 2:6) 3. Faith must be manifested by works (James 2:14)...
The surface contradiction between James and Paul, which made Luther call this an epistle of straw, and the Tü bingen critics hail it as a Judaist's attack upon Paulinism, troubles no one now, simply b...
My brothers, what use is it if a man claims to have faith and has no deeds to show? Are you going to claim that his faith is able to save him? If a brother or sister has nothing to wear, and if they h...
RESPECT OF PERSONS (James 2:1) _ 2:1 My brothers, you cannot really believe that you have faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ, and yet continue to have respect of persons._ Respect of persons is...
Do you wish for proof, you empty creature, that faith without deeds is ineffective? Our father Abraham was proved righteous in consequence of deeds, when he was ready to offer Isaac his son upon the a...
SEE. App-133....
_Ye see then_ The better MSS. omit the _then_. The Greek verb may be indicative, imperative, or interrogative. The English Version is probably right in giving the preference to the first. _not by fait...
Justification by Faith and Works 14. _though a man say he hath faith_ The section on which we now enter has been the battle-field of almost endless controversies. It led Luther in the boldness of a ze...
14–26. THE RELATION BETWEEN ΠΊΣΤΙΣ AND ἜΡΓΑ:—a subject suggested by the preceding paragraph, but also probably by one of the questions referred to St James for solution. Such questions were frequently...
ὉΡΑ͂ΤΕ. Note the change to the plural from πιστεύεις … βλέπεις … θέλεις. The conclusion is addressed to the brethren, no longer to the ἄνθρωπος κενός....
_GOD ILLUSTRATED SAVING FAITH -- JAMES 2:19-26:_ The demons prove that a faith that does not reflect itself in works cannot save. "Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils als...
ΈΞ ΈΡΓΩΝ (G1537; G2041) делами. Вера тоже не должна быть оставлена без внимания или умалена, она должна сочетаться с делами. Здесь противопоставляется вера без дел и дела без веры, а не вера и дела са...
DISCOURSE: 2365 JUSTIFICATION BY WORKS EXPLAINED James 2:24. _Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only_. CERTAINLY, of all the questions that can occupy the human mind,...
YE SEE THEN, &C.— "You see then by this instance of the great father of the faithful, if the characters of the children are to be estimated in the same manner as those of the father, _that a man is ju...
CHAPTER V. _THE DEVIL'S FAITH_ James 2:14-26 _Introduction_ Faith has come to mean some kind of magic word by which men shall do the impossible, even to the acquisition of heaven. The word really m...
FAITH-ONLY DOES NOT JUSTIFY (EXAMPLE NO. 2) _Text 2:21-24_ James 2:21. Was not Abraham our father justified by works, in that he offered up Isaac his son upon the altar? 22. Thou seest that faith...
Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only. JUSTIFIED, AND NOT BY FAITH ONLY - i:e., by 'faith severed from works,' its proper fruits (note, ). Faith, to justify, must,...
VERSE 24 YE SEE, THEN, HOW THAT BY WORKS. Now, from this history of Abraham, it is easily seen how a man is justified by works, and not by faith only. Abraham proved the existence of his strong faith...
20 The case of Abraham is most helpful in further defining the distinct viewpoints of Paul and James. The former refers us to the fifteenth chapter of Genesis, the latter to the twenty-second. In the...
WARNINGS AGAINST RESPECT OF PERSONS. BELIEF AND PRACTICE 1. Another instance of inconsistency. JESUS CHRIST _the Lord_ OF GLORY] better, 'Jesus Christ the glory,' or 'the glorious one,' One of the ra...
WHAT *FAITH SHOULD DO JAMES _IAN MACKERVOY_ The word list at the end explains words with a *star by them. CHAPTER 2 RESPECT OF PERSONS 2:1-7 V1 My Christian brothers and sisters, you trust th...
(14-26) FAITH AND WORKS. — We now enter on the most debatable ground of the Epistle; a battle-field strewn with the bones and weapons of countless adversaries. It is an easy thing to shoot “arrows, ev...
YE SEE THEN HOW THAT BY WORKS... — Observe that St. James says a man is not justified “by faith _only,”_ putting the adverb in the last and most emphatic position. He never denies Justification by Fai...
On this section see Introduction IV., § 2. There are a few points worth drawing attention to, in connection with the subject treated of in these verses, before we come to deal with the passage in deta...
ὁρᾶτε : The argument between the two supposed disputants having been brought to a close, the writer addresses his hearers again, and sums up in his own words. μόνον : the writer, by using this word, a...
DEEDS THE EVIDENCE OF FAITH James 2:14 The Apostle is speaking here of a faith that does not result in a changed life. It is the faith which believes _about_ Jesus Christ, as distinguished from that...
Proceeding, James dealt with the effect of faith on conduct. It makes it impossible to show any respect of persons on the ground of the possession of worldly wealth. To show such respect shows that th...
ABRAHAM'S JUSTIFICATION Woods says the word translated "working together" comes "from sunergei, imperfect active of sunergeo, to cooperate with; hence, faith and works kept on cooperating with each ot...
(12) Ye see then how that by works a man is (o) justified, and not by (p) faith only. (12) The conclusion: Only he who has faith that has works following it is justified. (o) Is proved to be just....
What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? can faith save him? (15) If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food, (16) And one of you say unt...
To the reader who enters on the consideration of the epistle of James from the epistles of Paul, the change is great and sudden, and by no means least of all from the epistle to the Hebrews, which, in...
The apostle now enters on the subject of those who professed to believe that Jesus was Christ the Lord. Before, in Chapter 1, he had spoken of the new nature in connection with God: here the professio...
YE SEE THEN HOW THAT BY WORKS A MAN IS JUSTIFIED,.... Not as causes procuring his justification, but as effects declaring it; for the best works are imperfect, and cannot be a righteousness justifying...
Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only. Ver. 24. _By works a man is justified_] Declaratively, as by faith apprehensively, by God effectively....
_And the scripture_ Which was afterward written, _was_ hereby eminently _fulfilled. Abraham believed God, and it was imputed to him for righteousness._ This was twice fulfilled, when Abraham first bel...
NOT BY FAITH ONLY; not by that faith which is alone, and never produces good works; but by good works a man is shown to have living faith, and to be in a justified state....
The example of Abraham and Rahab:...
The first 13 verses of this chapter form a second division of the book, dealing with the faith of Christ as being above all personal considerations, perfectly true and impartial. To mix the faith of C...
"You see that. man is justified by works, and not by faith alone"."You see" -A conclusion that James believes that all should be able to see clearly-this isn't hard to understand or comprehend."justif...
14-26 Those are wrong who put a mere notional belief of the gospel for the whole of evangelical religion, as many now do. No doubt, true faith alone, whereby men have part in Christ's righteousness,...
YE SEE THEN; an inference either from the instance of Abraham, or from the whole preceding discourse. HOW THAT BY WORKS; works of new obedience. A MAN IS JUSTIFIED; declared to be righteous, or approv...
James 2:24 see G3708 (G5719) then G5106 that G3754 man G444 justified G1344 (G5743) by G1537 works...
‘You see that by works a man is justified, and not only by faith.' So James now reaches his conclusion. That having been recognised as righteous as a result of a response of faith towards God in Jesus...
The Reply Comes, ‘But Surely If We Have Faith That Is Enough. Will We Not Be Seen To Be Righteous Because We Have Faith In Christ? Then Surely It Does Not Really Matter How We Behave Towards Others'....
James 2:24. YE SEE THEN, from this example of Abraham, HOW THAT BY WORKS A MAN IS JUSTIFIED. The emphasis is upon works: stress is put upon the fact that faith must be productive of works. AND NOT BY...
James 2:14-26. In this passage James continues to enforce practical religion. He tells his readers that faith destitute of works is of no avail to the saving of the soul, and is as useless as a charit...
YE SEE (ορατε). Present indicative active of οραω. Now he uses the plural again as in James 2:14.IS JUSTIFIED (δικαιουτα). Present passive indicative of δικαιοω, here not "is made righteous," but...
CONTENTS: The tests of brotherly love and good words. Justification before men by our works. CHARACTERS: Christ, James, Abraham, Isaac, Rahab. CONCLUSION: Those who are possessors of Christ's salvat...
James 2:1. _Have not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with respect of persons._ See James 1:1. The whole of this chapter turns on charity, which is the excellence of pure religio...
YOU SEE, THEN. "The example of Abraham proves that the faith that puts people right with God is a faith that becomes perfect through actions!" _MacKnight_ says _"Wherefore,_ from Moses ascribing (cred...
JAMES 2:14 Faith without Works Is Dead. James continues the theme that hearing/faith must lead to doing/works. It may seem that James contradicts Paul’s “by grace you have been saved through faith......
JAMES—NOTE ON JAMES 2:24 NOT BY FAITH ALONE. James again seems at first to contradict Paul’s teaching that one is justified by faith alone (Romans 3:28), but the two are compatible
_CRITICAL AND EXEGETICAL NOTES_ James 2:22. MADE PERFECT.—Or, “a complete, and therefore acceptable, thing.” James 2:23. IMPUTED.—“Was accounted as equivalent to righteousness.” His willingness to d...
EXPOSITION JAMES 2:1 WARNING AGAINST RESPECT OF PERSONS. JAMES 2:1 The translation is doubtful, two renderings being possible. (1) That of the A.V. and R.
Now my brothers, have not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with respect of persons (James 2:1). This is so difficult. It is so easy for us to fall in the trap of respecting pers...
James 2:15; James 2:21; James 2:22; Psalms 60:12...
Ye see then that a man is justified by works, and not by faith only — St. Paul, on the other band, declares, "A man is justified by faith," and not by works, Romans 3:28. And yet there is no contradic...