TITLE: Who Can Forgive Sins TEXT: Mark 2:1-12 PROPOSITION: I must learn how to forgive. QUESTION: Who? KEY WORD: Types SCRIPTURE READING: Mark 2:1-7 INTRODUCTION:

1. Story of the faith of 4 friends of a paralyzed man.

2. Some were critical of Jesus offering forgiveness.

3. Who can forgive sins but God alone?

Define - Forgive - forgive vs. forget Word means = send away, let go, release from debt, turn loose, not hold on to Types of forgiveness Total - complete = Only Deity can erase the guilt of sin Jeremiah 31:34 - Forgive AND forget Preacher, elders - cannot forgive sins, (priest and confessional) We pray for forgiveness from God - then inform the church of repentance I can forgive when someone asks We MUST forgive - Luke 17:3-5 Church, family, friends, non-Christians I can forgive when they do not ask My choice is to confront or forgive (Matthew 18:15-17) Big issue - can't ignore it - Confront Little thing - don't make a fuss - let go I can forgive when they will not ask Filled with resentment, anger, denial They feel they have done nothing wrong Reason for taking others with you (Matthew 18:15-17) I can forgive myself Psalms 51:1-15 - my sin is ever before me Most difficult - let go, learn from


TITLE: Jesus They Never Saw TEXT: Mark 2:1-12 PROPOSITION: While we see the physical, we often miss the spiritual truths before us. QUESTION: Which? KEY WORD: Truths READING: Same INTRODUCTION:

1. Review the story of our text.

2. Most sermons focus on the faith of the 4 friends.

3. Today I want to focus on the Jesus they never saw.

WHILE THEY WERE WATCHING A LAME MAN WALK - THEY NEVER SAW: They were in the presence of deity

1. Matthew 1:23 - called Emmanuel - God with us

2. John 1:14 - word became flesh, dwelt among us

God's Love in Action

1. John 15:13 - Great love has not man than this

2. John 3:16 - for God so loved the world

The sacrifice of Jesus

1. 2 Corinthians 5:21 - became sin for us,

2. 1 John 2:2 - He is propitiation for sins of the whole world

Hope of resurrection and eternal life

1. John 10:10 - come that they might have life, more abundantly

2. John 11:25 - I am the resurrection and the life

Forgiveness was offered

1. Before there was physical healing - there was forgiveness

2. The people did not feel the need for forgiveness

3. They argued the “right” to forgive

Grace made available

1. Titus 2:11 - Grace has appeared to all men

2. Ephesians 2:10 - Saved by grace

Compassion driving to action

1. They say the action - not the motivation behind it

2. Today - many see our actions - not our motives, feelings, emotions

Power of God

1. Reason for the healing - know the power to forgive sins

2. Miracles done - so that we might believe - John 20:30-31

3. John 10:18 - I have the power to give my life, no one takes it from me

The gospel demonstrated

1. The REAL good news was forgiveness

2. They focused on the temporary, visual, physical, material things

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Old Testament