TITLE: Run to Worship TEXT: Mark 5:1-6 PROPOSITION: Some things require haste. QUESTION: Which? KEY WORD: Activities READING: Same INTRODUCTION:

1. Doctor tells man he should get some exercise - Man: I want a black belt in Karate

2. Doctor: You need a pair of black suspenders.

3. Many of us are hurrying - to wrong places, to do wrong things

4. Here is a man - demons in him, not in right mind, naked, crazy -

5. BUT - He ran to worship Jesus.


· Matthew 28:8 - Ran to bring the disciples word

· John 20:2 - (Mary) ran to Simon Peter and John


· Mark 5:6 - Saw Jesus, ran and worshipped him

Welcome prodigals home

· Luke 15:20 - While a great way off, saw, had compassion, ran, kissed him

See the empty tomb

· Luke 24:12 - Peter ran to the tomb, saw the linens

· John 20:4 - Both ran together to the tomb.

· No greater news than, “He is alive.”

Win the prize

· 1 Corinthians 9:24 - Run so you can win the prize

Gain confidence

· 1 Corinthians 9:26-27 - Run straight toward your goal

Do battle

· Revelation 9:9 - Sound of horses running to battle

Allow WORD free course (room to run)

· 2 Thessalonians 3:1 - Give the Word room to run and do its work

See Jesus

· Hebrews 12:1-2 - Run race looking to Jesus, finisher of our faith

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Old Testament