TITLE: Son of God Most High TEXT: Mark 5:6-9 PROPOSITION: Even the demons believe in Jesus. QUESTION: Why? KEY WORD: Confessions READING: Same INTRODUCTION:

1. Confess = Say the same thing

2. God said - This is my Son. What do you say?

3. Even the demons in this wild man confess faith in Jesus.

Identifies you as a Christian

· 1 John 2:23 - Confess Son = have the Father

· 1 John 4:2 - Confess Jesus and you are of God

· 1 John 4:3 - Not confess = not of God

An evidence of union with God

· 1 John 4:15 - Confess Christ = dwell with God

Necessary to salvation

· Romans 10:9-10 - Confessions is UNTO salvation

Ensures his confessing us

· Matthew 10:32-33 - Confess Christ = He confess us

The fear of man prevents

· John 7:13 - Not speak - fear of the Jews

· John 12:42-43 - Because of the Pharisees, praise of men or praise of God

Persecution should not prevent us from

· Mark 8:35 - Save your life = lose it

· 2 Timothy 2:12 - Suffer = reign with him, deny = deny us

Must be connected with faith

· Romans 10:9 - must believe in the heart, not just say words

Consequences of not

· Matthew 10:33 - Deny Christ = We will be denied for eternity


1. Nathanael John 1:49 - Song of God, King of Israel

2. Peter John 6:68-69 - You have words of eternal life

3. Man born blind John 9:33 - If not of God, could do nothing

4. Martha John 11:27 - Christ, Son of God

5. Peter and John Acts 4:12 - Salvation in no other name

6. Apostles Acts 5:42 - Not cease to teach and preach Jesus Christ

7. Stephen Acts 7:59 - Lord Jesus, receive my spirit

8. Paul Acts 9:29 - Spoke boldly in the name of Lord Jesus

9. John Revelation 1:9 - For the testimony of Jesus Christ

10. Church in Pergamos Revelation 2:13 - Hold fast my name, not denied

11. Martyrs Revelation 20:4 - Beheaded for the witness of Jesus

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Old Testament