TITLE: Pass Me Not TEXT: Mark 6:45-56 PROPOSITION: We must consider the personal and individual viewpoint of salvation. QUESTION: Which? KEY WORD: Viewpoints READING: Same INTRODUCTION:

1. Jesus was coming to apostles walking on the water - looked like he would pass by

2. Song - Pass me not O gentle savior, hear my humble cry, while on others thou art calling, do not pass me by.

3. Think for a moment - Would Jesus have passed by?

4. We often overlook the personal and individual viewpoint of salvation.

Global Salvation

1. John 3:16 God loved the world

2. Romans 5:6 - Christ died for the ungodly

3. Acts 17:30 - All men commanded to repent

4. Acts 2:38 - Repent and be baptized every one

5. Mark 16:15 - Into all the world, preach to every creature

6. Matthew 28:18 - Make disciples of all nations

7. 1 John 2:2 - Died for the sins of the whole world

Personal Salvation

1. Salvation is not done in MASS - It is individual faith and obedience.

2. Every one of you (Acts 2:38)

3. Romans 12:13 - Given to every man a measure of faith

4. Ephesians 4:7 - To everyone is given grace according to the measure of Christ


1. Yes, Jesus died for the whole world.

2. He would have died if I were the only one.

3. I must respond personally - faith, repentance and obedience.


TITLE: Would you Recognize Him? TEXT: Mark 6:49-56 PROPOSITION: Many are not able to recognize Jesus. QUESTION: How? KEY WORD: Descriptions READING: Same INTRODUCTION:

1. As Jesus approached the apostles, they did not know him. (49)

2. But across the lake many recognized him. (54)

3. More familiar - take for granted; less familiar look deeper - search more intense.

4. Study Matthew 21:31 - tax collectors and harlots enter church before self-righteous.

5. We know that pictures are not accurate.

6. How can you know Jesus?

No photos exist.

1. We know that all the “pictures” are not what Christ looked like.

2. If you look for Jesus to be long hair, blonde, blue eyes - you will miss him.

NOTE : If we are to recognize Jesus - We must see his inner qualities: Word became flesh

1. Deity became flesh - John 1:14

2. God lived with us - Matthew 1:23 - Immanuel

3. This is the foundation of Christianity.


1. Apostles - 2 Peter 1:16-18

2. John - John 21:24-25

3. Roman soldier - Matthew 27:54

4. Samaritan woman - John 4:25; John 4:42

5. Officers of the chief priest - John 7:46

6. Pharisees - John 11:47-53

Claims of Jesus

1. John 14:1-9 - Know the Father, know Jesus

2. John 8:12-19 - Father bears witness for Jesus

3. John 8:23 - I am from above, not of this world

4. John 8:56-59 - Before Abraham was I AM

5. Mark 2:5-12 - Jesus has power to forgive sins

6. John 18:33-37 - To Pilate - Kingdom not of this world

New Testament Writers

1. John 1:1-3 - Word became flesh

2. Colossians 1:16-17 - Created all things, all things consist in him

3. Colossians 2:9 - Fullness of godhead bodily

4. Romans 9:5 - eternally blessed God

5. 1 Timothy 1:16-17 - Christ is the pattern


1. Is this the Jesus you know?

2. Do you recognize this Jesus in your life?

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Old Testament