8 “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End,” says the Lord, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.”

A. Alpha and Omega - These are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. We have phrases like, “From soup to nuts” or “Everything from A to Z.” Jesus is our all in all. He is everything from the first letter in the dictionary to the last word in the dictionary.

B. Beginning - Jesus was before the beginning. (John 1:1) Jesus was involved in all parts of creation. (Colossians 1:16-17) Jesus was involved in the formation of all things. Nothing exists apart from Jesus’ creative powers.

C. Ending - He will bring this world to its fiery end. He is eternal - both eternal in the past - without beginning - and in the future - without end. Just as he participated in the creations of all things, he will be involved in the end of all things.

D. Is, was, and is to come - God is the great I AM. God is always in the present tense. You may speak of a deed that God did in the past, but God is always present tense. God is. The same is true of Jesus. He is. He was here on earth in human form. But he is in the eternal present. There is a sense in which Jesus WAS on earth in human form. There is a sense in which Jesus IS TO COME, when he comes to redeem the faithful bride. But Jesus always IS.

E. Almighty - The most common attribute ascribed to deity in the Bible is his power. God is all-powerful. Nothing is impossible with God. He is the Almighty God.

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Old Testament