
There was a pause after the sixth seal. Paul Rogers wrote, “This chapter was written to assure the faithful that the hour for the final woe has come and the mystery must be fulfilled. Just as there is a pause between the opening of the sixth and seventh seals to heighten expectancy, so now there is an interlude between the blowing of the sixth and seventh trumpets. During the pause two events take place, the presentation of the little book and the ministry of the two witnesses. There is no corresponding interlude between the sixth and sevenths bowls.” (3, 44)

1 I saw still another mighty angel coming down from heaven, clothed with a cloud. And a rainbow was on his head, his face was like the sun, and his feet like pillars of fire.

A. A mighty angel comes from heaven. The angel is “mighty” showing that this angel has great strength. There are four symbols used to describe this angel.

B. Cloud - Commentaries are in great disagreement as to the meaning of the cloud. Some believe it could symbolize the coming of God as he did in Psalms 104:3. Jesus left this earth with clouds and will return in clouds. Some believe that the mighty angel is one of the archangels - Michael or Gabriel.

C. Rainbow - From the time of Noah and the flood, the rainbow has represented the promise of God. God made a promise and the rainbow is the sign of that covenant.

D. Face like the sun - Jesus is the light of the world. (John 8:12) Jesus came to bring light to a dark world. The gospel is the light of life. This symbol is used in 1:16 to describe Jesus.

E. Feet like pillars of fire - With one foot on the sea and one on land, showing that all mankind is involved. Fire is often a symbol of passion, fervor, and zeal. The fire represents the burning message of the gospel.

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Old Testament