13 In the same hour there was a great earthquake, and a tenth of the city fell. In the earthquake seven thousand people were killed, and the rest were afraid and gave glory to the God of heaven.

A. At the same moment that the church is invited to the victory party, the tenth part of the city will fall.

B. At the second coming of Christ, when time will be no more (10:6), these things will take place. Here is what is described:

1. There will be a great earthquake.

2. The tenth part of the city will fall.

3. 7,000 men will be killed.

4. Those remaining will be frightened.

5. They will (out of their fear) give glory to God.

C. These symbols are difficult to understand. It is clear that God will be victorious. It is clear that those who opposed God will recognize Him as Lord.

D. What is the meaning of the “tenth” part of the city? If the number 10 represents total or complete, then the tenth part would mean that the city was no longer complete. I do not believe this is a destruction of buildings and structures, but the fall of the wickedness of the people.

E. Who were the 7,000 men that were killed? The meaning seems to be that many claimed to be spiritual in nature, but really opposed God and rejoiced when the witnesses were dead. Their hypocrisy will be exposed. They will not escape.

F. God will deal with the apparent killers of the church and the pretenders who hung around Jerusalem and the temple court, but were not true and faithful Christians.

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Old Testament