9 And men were scorched with great heat, and they blasphemed the name of God who has power over these plagues; and they did not repent and give Him glory.

A. When these men are burned with this great heat of judgment, they have two choices.

1. They could weep, repent, seek forgiveness and plead for mercy from God.

2. The plague could just make them more determined and angry. This is what they did. They blasphemed the name of God. The refused to repent. Even while they are suffering the pain of this plague, they still do not give God the recognition that He is God.

B. It is clear that there is no willingness to repent. God is longsuffering. God will be patient as long as men are willing to repent and correct their behavior. Here, they are not willing to repent. God cannot allow this rebellion to continue.

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Old Testament