
This chapter is not that difficult to understand. The problem with chapter 20 is the many who have tried to make it say things it does not say. The contents here are confused with the supposed contents. Men have “read into” this passage many things that are just not there.

This chapter is, I am sure, the most abused chapter in the Bible. Perhaps it is tied with Matthew 24:1-51 as the most abused sections of scripture. Close behind is Daniel 7:1-28. These three chapters are all abused by the same religious persuasion. The pre-millenarian teachings cause people to read all kinds of things into these portions of the Bible.

I will not take the time or space here to expound on the theory of the literal return of Christ to establish a physical kingdom in Jerusalem and reign for a period of 1000 years. There are many facets of this theory. In a nutshell here is the heart of the matter.

1. They claim that Jesus came 2000 years ago to establish his earthly kingdom. Because of the rejection of the Jews, the kingdom had to be postponed.

2. Think about that. What if Jesus had succeeded? What if Jesus had set up his kingdom and reigned forever? There would be no forgiveness. We would still be under the law of animal sacrifices. We would still have no hope of eternal life or resurrection.

3. Here is the real issue: DID JESUS COME 2000 YEARS AGO TO SET UP AN EARTHLY KINGDOM AND REIGN FOREVER OR DID HE COME TO DIE ON THE CROSS, AND BE RAISED AGAIN THE THIRD DAY? It cannot be both ways. If Jesus came to live and reign forever, then He could not have come to die for our sins. If he came to die and be raised again, He could not have come to reign forever.

There is one issue that must be understood before we begin the study of this chapter. What is the meaning of the period mentioned in this chapter, one thousand years?

Of course, some take this number as literal. The question to ask is what in this chapter is literal? Bottomless pit, Key to the pit, Satan bound, great chain, a thousand years - Which of these are literal?

My view, to be consistent with the rest of the book, is that this number must be symbolic. The number “1000” was commonly understood by the Jewish people to represent ultimate completeness. If ten is complete, then high multiples of that number (10 X 10 X 10 = 1000) compounds the totality of the completeness. One thousand is ten to the third power.

It is my view that this period of one thousand years represents the entire Christian Age. While the church is on earth, while there is suffering and persecution, these events will recur.

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Old Testament