7 “Behold, I am coming quickly! Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book.”

A. Some try to argue that the angel and not Jesus spoke these words. In my view, it does not matter, because angels were messengers who spoke what was given them by Jesus.

B. Many find a difficulty with the term “shortly” when it has been 2,000 years since this promise was given. I believe there are two issues that must be discussed.

1. Meaning of “shortly” - In our understanding of time, measured in days, months and years, 2,000 years is a long time. We must remember that God does not work on our clock and calendar. A day is like a thousand years. There fore, to God, it has been a couple of days. No time at all.

2. Meaning of “coming” - Is this the second coming in which the world ends? Is this a promise of Jesus to come again and end the world, as we know it? OR Could this coming be the coming in answer to prayers? Could it be that Jesus will come into the hearts of the obedient to give them protection and guide them providentially? The preceding verse promised that these were “things which must shortly take place.” I believe the “coming” here is the coming to work out the matters promised and predicted in this book.

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Old Testament