6 Before the throne there was a sea of glass, like crystal. And in the midst of the throne, and around the throne, were four living creatures full of eyes in front and in back.

A. Sea of glass - Have you been near a lake at sunset. All is very calm. The water is smooth, like glass. The picture here is one of calmness and tranquility in heaven. This stands as a sharp contrast to the hardship, persecution and exile John was enduring on earth.

B. Four living creatures - There are three possible explanations here - a) Since the number four represents the earth, these creatures may represent the entire population of earth. b) These four creatures may be the archangels. We know of Michael and Gabriel by name. Some have thought there are four of them. They would be close to God because they are over all the heavenly host of angels. c) The four creatures represent all living things. (See the comments on the next verse.)

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Old Testament