Manly Luscombe Commentary on NT
Romans 1:26-32
1. What is the basic problem of man as Paul sees it in chapter one?
a. Is it idolatry?
b. Failure to worship God?
c. Something more basic?
2. Which sin really came first?
a. Foolishness or idolatry?
i. Foolish first 22
ii. Then made idols 23
3. What was the real problem then?
a. Thought God was like corruptible image
b. Exchanged the truth for a lie
4. Why did they think they were wise?
a. Refused to acknowledge God
b. Missed visible evidence of God
5. What happens when men don't understand God properly?
a. Turn to idolatry 23, 25
b. Turn to self
i. Lusts, dishonor their bodies 24
ii. Vile passions 26
iii. Homosexuality
1. Lesbianism
2. Sodomy
c. Other kinds of wickedness
i. Unrighteousness - not doing right things
ii. Fornication - sexual immorality
iii. Wickedness - just plain BAD
iv. Covetousness - greed for things of another
v. Maliciousness - pleasure in hurting others
vi. Full of envy - selfish ill-will
vii. Murder - killing another human being
viii. Debate - angry disputes
ix. Deceit - in works or behavior
x. Malignity - thinks the worst about others
xi. Whisperers - gossip, destroy reputations
xii. Backbiters - slander in public
xiii. Haters of God - reject the evidence
xiv. Despiteful - disrespectful
xv. Proud - inordinate self-esteem
xvi. Boasters - wanderer, vagabond, imposter
xvii. Inventers of evil things - look for new ways to do wrong
xviii. Disobedient to parents
xix. Without understanding - not learn from the past
xx. Covenant breakers - won't keep their word
xxi. Without natural affection - no family love
xxii. Implacable - will not enter a contract
xxiii. Unmerciful - no feeling for others
6. What conclusions can be drawn?
a. Man should have known better.
b. Leave man alone and he will plunge downward.
7. Is this conclusion still valid today?
a. Are men still following the same path today?
b. Give some examples from current events.