Christ is the end (purpose, object, grand conclusion) of the law of Moses to all who believe.

5 Moses described righteousness of the law:

He that keeps the commandments (requirements);

Will live by (place his trust in) them.

6 Contrast with the righteousness of faith:

NOTE: Justification is personified, a mode of speech quite common with Paul. Here is the meaning:"Who will go to heaven and bring Christ back?" -- Do you need Christ present to believe in him? Are you demanding what is impossible conditions for your faith? "Go up to heaven, if Christ is there, bring him back and we will believe on him."

7 "Who will go down into the deep and return Christ from the dead?" -- They are saying, "If you will go into the realm of Hades and bring Christ back from the dead, we will believe."

8 If neither of the above is correct; WHAT DOES JUSTIFICATION BY BELIEF SAY?

What justification by faith requires is easy.

Nigh - near, easy, simple to accomplish

The word of faith = the doctrine of belief

9 Confess --

Jesus is Lord, the Son of God

With the mouth

Originate in the heart

Results -- you shall be saved.

10 With Heart We believe Unto righteousness

With Mouth We confess Unto salvation

11 What does the Bible say?

Whosoever believes on him --

Shall not be ashamed

See: Matthew 10:32-33 confess vs. deny

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Old Testament