1. Walk honestly. We need to lern to be honest, people of our word, "Word is his bond."

2. Not rioting. Wild dancing parties. "Revelling"

3. Not drunkenness. Three levels: [1] Judgment drunk, [2] Party drunk, [3] Dead drunk

4. Not in chambering. "Going to bed" Denotes illicit intercourse, fornication. Prostitution. Adultery.

5. Not in wantonness. Wasteful spending, insolent luxury, delicacies, live wastefully.

6. Not in strife. Contention, debate. fussing over things that relaly don't matter. People who push their views (or opinions) on others.

7. Not in envying. "The feeling of displeasure by witnessing or hearing of the advantage or prosperity of others."

NOTE: Envy = anger at the blessing of another; the desire to have what another has. I could envy the promotion or recognition another recieved.

Jealousy = fear of losing what one has; the desire to protect and keep. I could be jealous of a spouse because I might not be able to keep them, or the fear of losing them to someone who is better looking.

14 Put on - wrap yourself in; a cloak, coat, blanket that wraps around; cover and protect

Lord Jesus Christ -

1. When do you put on Christ? Baptism.

2. How do you put on Christ? Accept Him as Lord.

Make not provision for the flesh - We often make a FIRM COMMITMENT with a BUT. We say, "I am dedicated to Jesus Christ and will worship Him -- unless it rains."

Boy to girlfriend - I will swim ocean, climb mountain, fight wild beasts to be with you. I will be over Saturday night unless it rains.

Flesh - Carnal, earthly, material, this world

Lusts - desires, seek to satisfy self

NOTE: Serving Christ must be without reservations. We cannot serve Christ when it is easy and pleasant. We must also serve when it is hard, painful, dangerous and even deadly. Revelation 2:10 - "Be thou faithful unto death" does not mean "remain faithful until you die." It means we must "remain faithful even it means our death."

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Old Testament