Manly Luscombe Commentary on NT
Romans 8 - Introduction
Man is a "triune" being. He is composed of three parts (1 Thessalonians 5:23) - spirit, body, soul. Romans 8:1-39 deals with these three and their relationship to the Holy Spirit.
[NOTE: "Spirit" (with a capital "S") refers to the Holy Spirit, and "spirit" (with a small "s") refers to the human spirit. The Greek text does not tell us which is to be used. Sometimes the word is made to refer to the Holy Spirit when it should not (v. 26) and it is made to refer to the human spirit when the Holy Spirit is intended (v. 4).]
Verses 1 - 27
Spirit = Holy Spirit, third person of Godhead
flesh = physical body, carnal, sinful, lustful
carnal = fleshly, lustful, sinful
spirit = emotions, mind, human feelings, spiritual
law = rules, regulations, principles of conduct or operation
Verses 28 - 39
predestinate = to state a foreknowledge
foreknow = to have knowledge in advance of an event
purpose = God's plans, intentions
called = invite, urge, plead
justified = made just, brought up to minimum standards
glorified = made perfect, up to the level of Jesus
Questions of Philosophy
1. What is man? soul? body? spirit?
2. What is death?
3. Does anything stay alive through death? what?
4. Can we ever stop loving God?
5. Can God ever stop loving us?