Love suffereth long, and is kind [In this catalogue the first and last negative qualities are coupled with their corresponding positives, suggesting a like coupling throughout. Love suffers evil and confers blessing, and seeks to thus overcome evil with good-- Romans 12:21; Matthew 23:37; Luke 22:48; Luke 22:50-51]; love envieth not [Is not jealous of the gifts, goods or fortune of another, nor of his spiritual prosperity, as was Cain (Genesis 4:3-8). Love excludes this feeling; the parent does not envy the child (Revelation 3:21). Moses was free from envy (Numbers 11:26-29), and so also was John the Baptist-- John 3:26-30]; love vaunteth not itself [does not parade itself-- Matthew 6:1; Acts 8:9; Matthew 11:29; Matthew 12:19; Matthew 12:38-39; Matthew 21:5], is not puffed up [is not inflated with pride or arrogance, because of wealth, knowledge, power, etc.-- Acts 12:20-23; John 13:1-5],

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Old Testament