X: 1, 2. The scene changes from Joppa to Cæsarea, about thirty miles
northward along the Mediterranean shore; and we are introduced to
another case for conversion, a Gentile and a soldier. (1) "_ There was
a certain man in Cæsarea named Cornelius, a centurion of the cohort
called Italian,_ (2) _a de... [ Continue Reading ]
X: 1, 2. The scene changes from Joppa to Cæsarea, about thirty miles
northward along the Mediterranean shore; and we are introduced to
another case for conversion, a Gentile and a soldier. (1) “_ There
was a certain man in Cæsarea named Cornelius, a centurion of the
cohort called Italian,_ (2) _a de... [ Continue Reading ]
3-6. This defect in his religious character was not a fault; it was
only a misfortune. He was doing the best he knew how; and, if we may
infer what he prayed for, from what he obtained in answer to his
prayers, he was praying for additional knowledge, and perhaps for an
interest in the salvation off... [ Continue Reading ]
7, 8. (7) "_ And when the angel who spoke to Cornelius went away, he
called two of his household servants, and a devout soldier of those
who attended him,_ (8) _and having fully related all these things to
them, he sent them to Joppa. " The two servants are included in the
household, who with him fe... [ Continue Reading ]
9-16. The scene of the narrative now changes again, from Cæsarea back
to Joppa, and to the house of the tanner, where we left the Apostle
Peter. Leaving the messengers of Cornelius on the way, Luke
anticipates their arrival, and relates how Peter was prepared for the
favorable reception of their mes... [ Continue Reading ]
17-20. Restored now to his natural state of mind, Peter remains upon
the housetop, reflecting upon the vision, and wondering if there was
not some meaning in it besides that in reference to unclean animals.
The question was soon solved. (17) "_ Now when Peter was doubting in
himself what this vision... [ Continue Reading ]
21, 22. He knows nothing, as yet, of the nature of their mission,
neither does he yet understand any better than before the meaning of
the vision. (21) "_ Then Peter went down to the men, and said, Behold,
I am he whom you are seeking. What is the cause for which you are
come?_ (22) And they said, C... [ Continue Reading ]
23. As the Spirit had directed, he does not hesitate as to the line of
duty, but at once announces to the messengers that the journey shall
begin to-morrow. (23) "_ Then, calling them in, he lodged them; and on
the next day Peter went out with them, and certain brethren from Joppa
went with him. " I... [ Continue Reading ]
24. During the four days which had elapsed, Cornelius had made no
secret of the vision he had witnessed, but had communicated it to such
friends as were likely to take the same interest in it with himself.
Having presumed, with all confidence, that Peter would come, and
knowing the time that the jou... [ Continue Reading ]
25-27. (25) "_ Now as Peter was coming in, Cornelius met him, and fell
down at his feet and worshipped._ (26) _But Peter raised him up, and
said, Stand up. I myself also am a man._ (27) _And conversing with
him, he came in and found many who had come together. " It is not in
keeping with the charact... [ Continue Reading ]
28, 29. Upon entering the house of this Gentile, side by side with
him, and into the presence of others who were likewise uncircumcised,
Peter deemed it proper to inform them of his reason for thus departing
from a well-known Jewish custom. (28) "_ And he said to them, You know
that it is unlawful f... [ Continue Reading ]
30-33. (30) "_ Then Cornelius said, Four days ago I was fasting until
this hour, and at the ninth hour I was praying in my house, and
behold, a man stood before me in bright apparel,_ (31) _and said,
Cornelius, your prayer is heard, and your alms are had in remembrance
before God._ (32) _Send, there... [ Continue Reading ]
34, 35. The scene before Peter enlarges his conceptions of the purpose
of God; for he now sees that his mission is designed not for the
benefit of Cornelius alone, but for a large number of his Gentile
friends; and if for all these, then, there is to be no further
national limitation to the gospel.... [ Continue Reading ]
36-38. Cornelius has now related to Peter such an experience, as, we
have seen above, would secure him recognition as a genuine convert to
Christ among Protestant sects; but Peter was so far from regarding it
in this light, that he proceeds to preach to them as he would to other
sinners. We will con... [ Continue Reading ]
39. Not content with assuming that these facts were familiar to them,
Peter gives them a surer foundation for their convictions, by
presenting the testimony upon which he relies to prove the facts. (39)
"_ And we are witnesses of all things which he did both in the land of
the Jews and in Jerusalem,... [ Continue Reading ]
40, 41. The crowning fact of the gospel comes next in the statement.
(40) "_ Him God raised up the third day, and showed him openly,_ (41)
not to all the people, to be witnesses chosen by God beforehand, even
to us, who did eat and drink with him after he arose from the dead. "
Here Peter states, by... [ Continue Reading ]
42, 43. Having now followed the career of Jesus from the beginning to
his resurrection and exhibition of himself alive to the witnesses,
Peter proceeds in regular order to the next historical fact, the
giving of the apostolic commission. (42) "_ And he commanded us to
preach to the people, and to te... [ Continue Reading ]
44-46. We are next informed of a fact which is new to this narrative,
and was very surprising both to Peter and his companions. (44) "_
While Peter was yet speaking these words, the Holy Spirit fell upon
all those who were hearing the word,_ (45) _and the believers of the
circumcision who came with... [ Continue Reading ]
47, 48. The true explanation of this unusual circumstance is given in
the following words, together with Peter's own explanation of it in
the eleventh chapter: "_ Then Peter answered,_ (47) _Can any man
forbid water, that these should not be immersed, who have received the
Holy Spirit as well as we?... [ Continue Reading ]