XXIV: 1. When the Jews were commanded by Lysias to present their
accusation before Felix, though disappointed in their first plot, they
still hoped to accomplish his destruction, and made no delay in
following up the prosecution. (1) "_ Now, after five days, Ananias the
high priest, with the elders... [ Continue Reading ]
XXIV: 1. When the Jews were commanded by Lysias to present their
accusation before Felix, though disappointed in their first plot, they
still hoped to accomplish his destruction, and made no delay in
following up the prosecution. (1) “_ Now, after five days, Ananias
the high priest, with the elders... [ Continue Reading ]
2-9. The orator, Tertullus, was employed to plead the case before
Felix, and the high priest and elders appeared as witnesses. (2) "_
And when he was called, Tertullus began to accuse him, saying:_ (3)
_Seeing that by you we have attained to great tranquility, and a
prosperous administration is effe... [ Continue Reading ]
10-21. (10) "_ Then Paul answered (the governor nodding to him to
speak): Knowing that you have been for many years a judge for this
nation, I do the more cheerfully defend myself:_ (11) _for you are
able to know that there are not more than twelve days since I went up
to worship in Jerusalem._ (12)... [ Continue Reading ]
22. His defense, though he had no witnesses present to prove his
statements, had the desired effect upon Felix. (22) "_ And when Felix
heard these things, knowing more accurately concerning that way, he
put them off, and said, When Lysias the chiliarch comes down, I will
thoroughly examine the matte... [ Continue Reading ]
23. When the Jews were dismissed, if Felix had possessed a strict
regard for justice, he would have released Paul. As it was, he only
relaxed the rigor of his previous confinement. (23) "_ And he
commanded the centurion that Paul should be guarded, but have
relaxation, and to forbid none of his frie... [ Continue Reading ]
24. "_ Now, after some days, Felix came, with his wife Drusilla, who
was a Jewess, and sent for Paul, and heard him concerning the faith in
Christ._ Drusilla, according to Josephus, was a daughter of Herod
Agrippa, whose persecutions of the apostles, and miserable death, we
have considered in commen... [ Continue Reading ]
25. Under the summons to speak concerning the faith in Christ, Paul
was at liberty to choose the special topic of discourse, and did so
with direct reference to the character of his hearers. (25) " And as
he reasoned concerning righteousness and temperance, and judgment to
come, Felix, being full of... [ Continue Reading ]
26, 27. True to the character which Tacitus attributes to Felix, Luke
adds that (26) "_ Hoping also that money would be given to him by
Paul, so that he would release him, he therefore sent for him the
oftener, and conversed with him._ (27) _But after two years Felix
received Portius Festus as a suc... [ Continue Reading ]