McGarvey and Pendleton Commentaries
Galatians 4:10
Ye observe days, and months, and seasons, and years.
Ye observe days, and months, and seasons, and years.
Verse 10. _YE OBSERVE DAYS_] Ye superstitiously regard the Sabbaths and particular days of your own appointment; _AND MONTHS_] New moons; _times_-festivals, such as those of tabernacles, dedication,...
YE OBSERVE - The object of this verse is to specify some of the things to which they had become enslaved. DAYS - The days here referred to are doubtless the days of the Jewish festivals. They had nume...
CHAPTER 4 _ 1. Under the law in the state of minority. (Galatians 4:1)_ 2. The Son revealed to redeem. (Galatians 4:4) 3. Because ye are Sons; the Spirit of Sonship. (Galatians 4:6) 4. The backslid
The state of the Galatians, while heathen, was similar but worse. They had not been heirs in a state of temporary slavery, but frankly slaves to the mere element-spirits, those undivine gods they wors...
THE DAYS OF CHILDHOOD (Galatians 4:1-7)...
There was a time when you did not know God, and when you were slaves to gods who are no gods at all; but now that you know God or rather now that god knows you--how can you turn back again to the weak...
OBSERVE. Greek. _paratereo_. See Acts 9:24. Compare Colossians 2:16....
Perhaps this verse should be read interrogatively, -Do ye observe &c.?" or the construction may be carried on from the preceding verse, -How is it that ye are turning, … that ye are observing &c.?" _Y...
Epexegetic of the way in which they are already showing their slavery to pre-Christian customs. Only the observance of times is mentioned here; in Colossians 2:16 this is preceded by that of foods. No...
8–11. _Appeal; after so great a change how can you go back!_ (Galatians 4:8) But—before your conversion, when you knew not God, ye were slaves to them which by origin are not gods; (Galatians 4:9) and...
ΠΑΡΑΤΗΡΕΪ́ΣΘΕ _praes. ind. med. от_ ΠΑΡΑΤΗΡΈΩ (G3906) пристально смотреть, внимательно наблюдать (Eadie); о предложном сочетании _см._ МН, 319. У этого гл. _med._ и _act._ имеют одинаковое значение ...
TEXT 4:8-11 (8) Howbeit at that time, not knowing God, ye were in bondage to them that by nature are no gods: (9) but now that ye have come to know God, or rather to be known by God, how turn ye back...
Howbeit then, when ye knew not God, ye did service unto them which by nature are no gods. HOWBEIT - contrast of their former with their present state. Appeal not to turn back from their privileges...
1 The place of an infant heir differs from that of a slave in right but not in fact. Though entitled to all, he is treated as though master of nothing. He is watched by guardians, and supervised by st...
THE BONDAGE OF THE LAW. FREEDOM IN CHRIST 1-7. Under the Law we were in bondage; under the Gospel we have received the freedom of sons. PARAPHRASE. '(1) The heir before he comes of age can no more en...
DAYS] Jewish feast-or fast-days. MONTHS] new moons: cp. Colossians 2:16. TIMES] RV 'seasons,' such as Passover, Pentecost, etc. YEARS] e.g. sabbatic years. These observances are 'weak and beggarly ele...
CHRIST HAS MADE US FREE GALATIANS _HELEN POCOCK_ CHAPTER 4 YOU ARE GOD’S SONS, YOU ARE NOT SLAVES V1 I will continue what I was saying to you. A young son will receive the property that his fath...
This probably refers to the special events in the *Jewish religion. These events are not wrong. But the Christians in Galatia were wrong to turn away from God. They were obeying these traditions inste...
YE OBSERVE. — A compound word, signifying not only “to observe,” but “to observe _scrupulously.”_ The word is used by Josephus in his paraphrase of the fourth commandment: “Remember the sabbath day to...
(8-11) The results of the foregoing argument are now turned against the Galatians. In their old heathen state they had been in bondage to gods that were no gods. From this bondage they had been delive...
CHAPTER 17 THE RETURN TO BONDAGE. Galatians 4:8 "Sons of God, whom He made His heirs in Christ, how are you turning back to legal bondage!" Such is the appeal with which the Apostle follows up his a...
The observance of Sabbaths and new moons, of feasts and fasts, of sabbatical and jubilee years, was clearly enjoined by the ceremonial Law; and Paul admitted the obligations of that Law for himself an...
LIVE AS SONS, NOT AS BONDMEN Galatians 4:1 The Apostle often uses the word _elements_ or “rudiments,” Galatians 4:3; Galatians 4:9;...
He now declared the process of freedom. "God sent forth His Son... under the law." Thus the law He kept was justified, and He lived thereby. But more than this, He bore its penalty, and so procured ju...
[BIBLIOGRAPHY] St. Jerome on this verse, p. 271, dicat aliquis, nos simile crimen in[]urrimus....observantes diem dominicam....Pascha festivitatem, & Pentecostes []ætitiam, & pro varietate regionum,...
You observe [1] days, &c. These false teachers were for obliging all Christians to observe all the Jewish feasts, fasts, ceremonies, &c. Some of the later reformers find here an occasion to blame the...
(7) Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ. (8) В¶ Howbeit then, when ye knew not God, ye did service unto them which by nature are no gods....
Galatians 1:1-24. We saw the second of Corinthians characterized by the most rapid transitions of feeling, by a deep and fervent sense of God's consolations, by a revulsion so much the more powerful i...
10._Ye observe days_. He adduces as an instance one description of “elements,” the observance of days. No condemnation is here given to the observance of dates in the arrangements of civil society. Th...
The relative position therefore of the Jew (even though he were godly) before the coming of Christ, and of the believing Jew or Gentile when Christ had been revealed, is clearly set forth; and in the...
YE OBSERVE DAYS, AND MONTHS, AND TIMES, AND YEARS. Lest the apostle should be thought to suggest, without foundation, the inclination of these people to be in bondage to the ceremonies of the law, he...
Ye observe days, and months, and times, and years. Ver. 10. _Ye observe days_] The Christian Church knows no holy days, besides that honourable Lord's day, Isaiah 57:14; Revelation 1:10, and such hol...
_Howbeit_ Αλλα, _but_, or _however_, that ye Gentiles may not foolishly reject, neglect, or forfeit your privileges, as the sons of God, you ought to remember what your condition was while under _the...
DAYS, AND MONTHS, AND TIMES, AND YEARS; such as were required in the ceremonial law. This has no reference to the weekly Sabbath, which was established at the creation, and set apart by God, to be obs...
The foolishness of backsliding from this truth:...
HOW CHILDREN ARE ADOPTED AS SONS (vs.1-7) The first few verses of chapter 4 give us the distinctive Christian position in more detail. This position is the result of promise accomplished, as contrast...
YOU OBSERVE DAYS AND MONTHS AND SEASONS AND YEARS. Days = Sabbaths, Holy Days Months = New Moon festivals Times = Annual feasts like Pentecost, Passover, etc. Years = Sabbath year, Jubilee 11 I A...
8-11 The happy change whereby the Galatians were turned from idols to the living God, and through Christ had received the adoption of sons, was the effect of his free and rich grace; they were laid u...
If we had any evidence that these Galatians were relapsed to their Gentile superstitions, these terms might be understood of such days, &c. as they kept in honour to their idols. But the apostle, thro...
Epistle of Mathetes to Diognetus of the flesh as a proof of election, and as if, on account of it, they were specially beloved by God,-how is it not a subject of ridicule? And as to their observing m...
Galatians 4:10 observe G3906 (G5731) days G2250 and G2532 months G3376 and G2532 seasons G2540 and G2532 years...
‘But at that time, not knowing God, you were in bondage to those who by nature were no gods. But now that you have come to know God, or rather to be known of God, how do you turn back again to the wea...
IS IT NOT THEN FOOLISH TO TRY TO TURN BACK TO THEIR FORMER STATE? (GALATIANS 4:8). Granted then that we have received these great privileges from God, would it not be foolish to revert back to being...
Galatians 4:10. DO YE (SCRUPULOUSLY) OBSERVE DAYS, AND MONTHS, AND SEASONS, AND YEARS? The interrogative form gives more vicacity to the passage and more weight to Galatians 4:11. If it is not a quest...
_The State of Adoption contrasted with the State of Slavery under the Law_. The Apostle proceeds to give a fuller exposition of the divine sonship and heirship, ch. Galatians 3:29, and shows that the...
YE OBSERVE (παρατηρεισθε). Present middle indicative of old verb to stand beside and watch carefully, sometimes with evil intent as in Luke 6:7, but often with scrupulous care as here (so in Dio Cas...
Galatians 4:1. Now I say, That the heir, as long as he is a child, differeth nothing from a servant, though he be lord of all; but is under tutors and governors until the time appointed of the father....
CONTENTS: Believers full redemption from the law. Sonship through the Spirit. Dangers of lapsing into legality. Impossibility of mixing law and grace. CHARACTERS: God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Paul, Abra...
Galatians 4:1. _The heir, as long as he is a child,_ and a minor, _differeth_ _nothing from a servant, though he be lord of all._ He is under guardians, till the year appointed by the will of his fath...
YOU PAY SPECIAL ATTENTION. "These holydays, even though Moses commanded them, are no more effective to gain the favor of God than were the pagan rites you formerly practiced when you worshiped idols....
_To observe days and months _ THE OBSERVANCE OF DAYS AND SEASONS I. Natural. When days are observed according to the course of the sun and moon. Thus night follows day, and every year hath four seas...
GALATIANS—NOTE ON GALATIANS 4:10 DAYS AND MONTHS AND SEASONS AND YEARS were all part of the ceremonial laws of the Mosaic covenant (see Leviticus 23:5,...
GALATIANS—NOTE ON GALATIANS 4:8 The Galatians are in danger of forfeiting sonship and abandoning the true God. They risk returning to false gods (v. Galatians 4:8) and to worldly ways of life (vv....
CHAPTER 4 SYNOPSIS OF THE CHAPTER i. He continues the argument of the preceding chapter that the Jews, like children and slaves, were under the Jewish law as a pædagague, while Christians, as sons o...
_Ye observe days, and months, and times, and years_. As S. Augustine (_Ep_. 119 and _Enchirid._ 79) and Anselm understand the elements to be the sun, moon, and idols, so do they understand this verse...
_CRITICAL AND EXPLANATORY NOTES_ Galatians 4:9. HOW TURN YE AGAIN [anew]?—Making a new beginning in religion, lapsing from Christianity just in as far as they embrace legalism. TO THE WEAK AND BEGGARL...
EXPOSITION GALATIANS 4:1 NOW I SAY (λέγω δέ). A form of expression usual with the apostle when introducing a new statement designed either to explain or elucidate something before said (of. Galati...
Now I say, That an heir, as long as he is a child, differeth nothing from a servant, though he be lord of all; But is under tutors and governors until the time appointed of the father (Galatians 4:1-2...
Colossians 2:16; Colossians 2:17; Leviticus 23:1; Leviticus 25:1;...
Ye observe [π α ρ α τ η ρ ε ι σ θ ε]. See on Mark 3:2, and John 18:12, and comp. Joseph. Ant 3:5, 5, parathrein tav eJbdomadav to watch the weeks. The word denotes careful, scrupulous observance, an i...
TURNING UNTO LAW-WORKS Galatians 4:1 INTRODUCTORY WORDS 1. It is passing strange that, after we have come to know salvation by grace, we could turn back to the beggarly elements of salvation by law...
Ye observe days — Jewish sabbaths. And months — New moons. And times — As that of the passover, pentecost, and the feast of tabernacles. And years — Annual solemnities. it does not mean sabbatic years...
St. Paul here gives instances to the Galatians, wherein it did appear, that they brought themselves under an unnecessary bondage to the rites of the ceremonial law; he tells them plainly, that they ke...