McGarvey and Pendleton Commentaries
Romans 3:29
Or is God the God of Jews only? is he not the God of Gentiles also? Yea, of Gentiles also :
Or is God the God of Jews only? is he not the God of Gentiles also? Yea, of Gentiles also :
Verse 29. IS HE _THE GOD OF THE JEWS ONLY?_] Do not begin to suppose that because you cannot be justified by the works of the law and God has in his mercy found out a new method of saving you, that t...
IS HE THE GOD ... - The Jews supposed that he was the God of their nation only, that they only were to be admitted to his favor. In these verses Paul showed that as all had alike sinned, Jews and Gent...
3. THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD REVEALED. Justification, what it is and what it Includes. Chapter 3:21-5:11. CHAPTER 3:21-31 _ 1. The Righteousness of God Manifested. (Romans 3:21 .)_ 2. Just and Just...
A new chapter opens in human history the achievement of REDEMPTION IN CHRIST JESUS. Romans 3:21. In the desperation to which man's sin, brought home to him by the Law, has reduced him, a manifestation...
Where, then, is there any ground for boasting? It is completely shut out. Through what kind of law? Through the law of works? No, but through the law of faith. So, then, we reckon that a man enters in...
IS... ONLY? Read, "What, is He, &c."? The question opens with the Greek conjunction _e_, translated "what" in 1 Corinthians 6:16; 1 Corinthians 6:19; 1 Corinthians 14:36. NOT
_Is he the God_, &c. More lit. DOES GOD BELONG TO THE JEWS ALONE? i.e. as the Giver of peace and life by covenant....
Ἢ ἸΟΥΔΑΊΩΝ Κ.Τ.Λ. presses the argument deeper; not only is righteousness a matter of faith which all men can exercise, but GOD is one—one and the same for all mankind; all men are in the same relation...
The failure of Jew and Gentile alike is met by the new dispensation of the Gospel, with the condition it demands of man, faith. The argument having explained ‘the revelation of wrath,’ returns to the...
ΟΎΧΊ (G3780) вводит риторический вопрос, на который ожидается утвердительный ответ....
_TEXT_ Romans 3:27-31. Where then is the glorifying? It is excluded. By what manner of law? of works? Nay: but by a law of faith. Romans 3:28 We reckon therefore that a man is justified by faith apart...
Is he the God of the Jews only? is he not also of the Gentiles? Yes, of the Gentiles also: IS HE THE GOD OF THE JEWS ONLY? IS HE NOT ALSO OF THE GENTILES? YES, OF THE GENTILES ALSO. The way of sal...
_THE CONDUCT OF MANKIND_ 19 The passages from the Psalms might be turned by the Jews to apply to the nations. But the apostle rightly insists that what is written in the law is binding upon those und...
THE NEW WAY OF ACCEPTANCE WITH GOD In Romans 1:2 St. Paul has shown that both Gentile and Jew have sinned wilfully, and are under God's condemnation. He now digresses to Jewish objections against the...
(27-31) A review of the consequences of this process of justification. How does it affect the pretensions of the Jew? It shuts them out by laying stress no longer on works, which were the proper fulfi...
IS HE NOT ALSO. — Insert “or.” “Or are we to suppose that God _is the God of_ (literally, _belongs to_) the Jews only?” — taking up the point in the last verse, that any man, simply _quâ_ man, and wit...
CHAPTER 9 THE ONE WAY OF DIVINE ACCEPTANCE Romans 3:21 So then "there is silence" upon earth, that man may hear the "still, small voice," "the sound of stillness," 1 Kings 19:12 from the heavens. "T...
In these verses the positive exposition of the righteousness of God as offered to faith through the redemption in Christ Jesus, is concluded. The Apostle points out two inferences which can be drawn f...
f. ἤ Ἰουδαίων ὁ θεὸς μόνον; The only way to evade the conclusion of Romans 3:28 would be to suppose as is here presented by way of alternative that God is a God of Jews only. But the supposition is im...
ALL FREELY JUSTIFIED BY GRACE Romans 3:21 From the universal need the Apostle turns to the all-sufficient remedy. The Law and the Prophets hinted dimly at justification by faith, but did not unveil i...
Paul here turned to a brief discussion of certain objections. First, "What advantage, then, hath the Jew?" He replied, "Much, every way." He then mentioned only one, which he spoke of as being "first...
(12) [Is he] the God of the (f) Jews only? [is he] not also of the Gentiles? Yes, of the Gentiles also: (12) Another absurd argument: if justification depended upon the law of Moses, then God would be...
The apostle here tells us that all men are the creatures of God Almighty, and destined to eternal happiness. Neither was it necessary to be incorporated with the Jews by circumcision, to be made parta...
“ _Or is he the God of the Jews only?is he not also of the Gentiles? Yes, of the Gentiles also: seeing it is one God, who shall bring out the justification of the circumcised from faith, and who shall...
NINTH PASSAGE (3:27-31). THE HARMONY OF THIS MODE OF JUSTIFICATION WITH THE TRUE MEANING OF THE LAW. The apostle had asserted, Romans 3:21, that _the law_ and _the prophets_ themselves bear witness to...
Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? of works? Nay: but by the law of faith. (28) Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law. (29) Is he the Go...
The circumstances under which the epistle to the Romans was written gave occasion to the most thorough and comprehensive unfolding, not of the church, but of Christianity. No apostle had ever yet visi...
_THE GOD OF THE GENTILES_ ‘Is He the God of the Jews only? is He not also of the Gentiles? Yes, of the Gentiles also.’ Romans 3:29 These words give us the basis of the Apostle’s missionary career....
29._Is he the God of the Jews only? _The second proposition is, that this righteousness belongs no more to the Jews than to the Gentiles: and it was a great matter that this point should be urged, in...
Having established the great truth that God required real moral goodness, he considers the position of the Jews. Could they not plead special divine favour? Was there no advantage in Judaism? Surely t...
IS HE THE GOD OF THE JEWS ONLY?.... The Jews made their boast of him as such, and would not allow the Gentiles any interest in him: but IS HE NOT ALSO OF THE GENTILES? YES, OF THE GENTILES ALSO: God...
_Is he_ the God of the Jews only? _is he_ not also of the Gentiles? Yes, of the Gentiles also: Ver. 29. _Is he the God of the Jews only_] That is, Doth he justify the Jews only? For he is their God o...
_Is he the God of the Jews only?_ He argues from the absurdity of such a supposition. Can it be imagined that a God of infinite love and mercy should limit and confine his favours to the little perver...
JEWS-GENTILES; he will be the God and Saviour of both-of all classes and all nations to whom Christ is made known, on the same condition-faith in his Son. Jehovah is the Creator, Preserver, and Benefa...
The great conclusion of the apostle:...
JUSTIFICATION BY FAITH. The righteousness of God revealed:...
WHAT ADVANTAGE HAS THE JEW? Since God requires subjection _of heart_ from the Jew, and at the same time honors a like subjection of heart in the Gentiles, the question arises, "What advantage then hat...
ROMANS 3:21-31 1. How can one be justified by faith? a. Justification by faith as related to the law i. Was justification tied to the law? 1. Apart from the law 21 2. Apart from works of the law...
OR IS GOD THE GOD OF JEWS ONLY? IS HE NOT THE GOD OF GENTILES ALSO? YEA, OF GENTILES ALSO: 'Since no one has the record on which he can boast and since faith is possible in everyone. Jew and Gentile,...
27-31 God will have the great work of the justification and salvation of sinners carried on from first to last, so as to shut out boasting. Now, if we were saved by our own works, boasting would not...
By answering his own proposed questions, he plainly shows us, that the covenant of grace, by which God is God of his people, does not belong to the Jews only, that they only should have justification...
Clement of Alexandria Stromata Book V "Is He the God of the Jews only, and not also of the Gentiles? Yes, also of the Gentiles: if indeed He is one God,"[52] Clement of Alexandria Stromata Book VI F...
Romans 3:29 He G2228 God G2316 Jews G2453 only G3440 not G3780 also G1161 G2532 Gentiles G1484 Yes...
‘Or is God the God of Jews only? Is he not the God of Gentiles also? Yes, of Gentiles also,' For if salvation were to be by the works of the Law, which included circumcision, it would mean that God w...
2. RIGHTEOUSNESS FROM GOD IS BY FAITH. The theme of this second main division of the doctrinal part of the Epistle may be found in Romans 3:21: (1.) The righteousness of God apart from the law has bee...
1. RIGHTEOUSNESS FROM GOD IS TO ALL, JEW AND GENTILE, BY FAITH. The section opens (Romans 3:21) with the statement of the theme of this division, as contrasted with Romans 3:20; Romans 3:22-26 set for...
Romans 3:29. OR IS GOD THE GOD OF JEWS ONLY? ‘ Or,' which is omitted in the E. V., presents an alternative, in case the principle of Romans 3:28 should be doubted. ‘Belong to Jews only' is the full se...
OF GENTILES ALSO (κα εθνων). Jews overlooked it then and some Christians do now....
Romans 3:19. _Now we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law: that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God. Therefore by t...
Romans 3:1. _What advantage then hath the Jew? or what profit is there of circumcision? Much every way; chiefly, because that unto them were committed the oracles of God._ If it be so that, after all...
Romans 3:1. _What advantage then hath the Jew? or what profit is there of circumcision? Much every way: chiefly, because that unto them were committed the oracles of God._ The Jews of old had a great...
Romans 3:1. _What advantage then hath the Jew? or what profit is there of circumcision? Much every way: chiefly, because that unto them were committed the oracles of God._ It was a great thing to be...
Romans 3:9. What then? are we better than they? No, in no wise: for we have before proved both Jews and Gentiles, that they are all under sin; As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: T...
CONTENTS: The common guilt of both Jew and Gentile. Justification by faith, not by the law. CHARACTERS: God, Jesus. CONCLUSION: The sum of all sin is coming short of the glory of God for which we we...
The first part of this chapter, as far as the twentieth verse, belongs to the two preseding Chapter s, and confirms, by the words of David, the deplorable state of fallen man. Romans 3:1. _What advant...
OR IS GOD ONLY? The only way to escape the conclusion of Romans 3:28 would be to say that God is a God of the Jews only. Both Jew and Gentile can only be justified by faith in Jesus Christ....
_Where is boasting then?_ It is excluded. BOASTFULNESS--JEWISH AND CHRISTIAN I. Boastfulness was a Jewish national characteristic of a peculiar species, for it took the form of religious conceit. 1...
_Is He the God of the Jews only?_ THE DIVINE UNITIES I. One God. II. One law. III. One faith. IV. One ultimate purpose. (_J. Lyth, D. D._) IS HE NOT ALSO OF THE GENTILES?_--_ The universal Fath...
ROMANS—NOTE ON ROMANS 3:29 Since GOD is the Lord of all, whether JEWS or GENTILES, there can be only one way of justification—by FAITH....
_CRITICAL NOTES_ Romans 3:27.—Where is then the glorying? Such is the most literal and most correct rendering of the clause. Almost tantamount to the expression, Where is then their glorying? Romans...
EXPOSITION ROMANS 3:1 (2) _Certain objections with regard to the Jews suggested and met. _In_ _this passage, before proceeding with his argument, the apostle meets certain objections that might be ma...
Shall we turn in our Bibles now to Romans 3. Paul has just told the Jews that having the law does not justify a person. It is the keeping of the law that justifies one. That uncircumcision really has...
Acts 22:21; Acts 26:17; Acts 9:15; Colossians 3:11; Ephesians 3:6;...
LAW AND GRACE Romans 3:19 INTRODUCTORY WORDS 1. The meaning and scope of the Law. Law is a word filled with glory, but wholly foreign to Grace. Law is the measure of the holy requirements of a righ...
Surely of the gentiles also — As both nature and the scriptures show....