For the word of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us who are saved it is the power of God.

'word of the cross' -'Message of the cross' (Knox)

'to them that perish' -people are perishing, hell does exist! 'The present participle denotes process: who who are on the way to destruction.' (Vincent p. 191)

'foolishness' -'sheer folly' (Mof).

'The Corinthians had embraced the message of redemption through. crucified Christ. What did the world think of that? They thought such. message was crass stupidity. What, then, made the Corinthians respect the wisdom of the world? Why were the Corinthians impressed with and trying to impress the world? The Corinthians romance with the world's wisdom and philosophical schools, in part, has led them to this divided state. Paul's aim in this whole section is to expose the world's wisdom as foolishness (See Romans 1:22). Whom are the Corinthians trying to impress? Fools!' [Note:. McGuiggan p. 33]

Who are these people that think the Gospel message is silly? They are perishing people! Lost people! Doesn't that tell you something about the value of their opinions? Listen young people (and old). Why in the world are you admiring the spiritually--blind? starving? and beggars? Why are you impressed with someone on the road to eternal destruction? Why are you trying to emulate someone that can't even find God? Why are you drooling over someone that can't even give the right answer for their origin and the purpose for their existence?

'but unto us who are saved' -only two paths exist. (Matthew 7:13) Being saved, in the process of salvation.

'it is the power of God' -(Romans 1:16) This is the voice of experience. 'You and. know that the cross is God's saving power.' (Gr. Ex. N.T. p. 767) The Christian realizes the impotence found in all human attempts to procure deliverance. What are you doing listening to 'perishing man'! Listen to the voice of experience, listen to. saved man! Human wisdom can stimulate the mind, it can entertain, it can amuse, but saving one's soul, that takes "power"! All the scheming in the world cannot remove one sin. All the rationalizing hasn't been able to save one soul! Salvation requires the power of God!

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Old Testament