Whatsoever is sold in the shambles, eat, asking no question for conscience' sake,

'shambles' -'in the meat market' (NASV) 'Is mentioned on. fragmentary Latin inscription found near the Lechaeum road, north of the city..' (F.F. Bruce p. 98)

'In sacrifices usually only. part of the victim was consumed. The rest was given to the priests or to the poor, or sold again in the market. Any buyer might therefore unknowingly purchase meat offered to idols.' (Vincent p. 245)

'asking no question' -'without making inquiries' (TCNT) 'Indeed it was required of the Jews, to investigate whether the meat..had been previously sacrificed; so Paul is telling the Corinthians not to conduct such inquiries. Meat is meat; buy and eat.' (Fee p. 481)

'for conscience' sake' -There is some debate concerning "whose" conscience is under consideration here. The conscience of the buyer or seller, or someone standing nearby?

Paul might be simply saying, 'Buy and eat without investigation, because. don't want you to develop. conscience problem.. Detailed investigation concerning each piece of meat: (1) Is unnecessary, because the meat isn't defiled. (2) Is. waste of time. (3) Would weigh down the conscience needlessly.

Modern Application:

Christians today can "weigh" down their consciences needlessly, by investigating what religious group owns or has. share in what food chain or product. Paul would say, 'buy and eat, and don't investigate. For false concepts don't contaminate the food products of God's creation.'

**Note: Paul never called for. "boycott" of marketplace meat. Christianity didn't spread throughout the Roman Empire due to boycotts, marches or protests, rather, is spread because people lived and preached it.

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Old Testament