and did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of. spiritual rock that followed them: and the rock was Christ.

'spiritual drink' -the water that God miraculously provided. (Exodus 2:1; Numbers 2:2)

'they drank' -'The imperfect tense denoting continued action--throughout their journey.' (Vincent p. 239) Moses will fetch water from the rock near the beginning of their wilderness experience (Exodus 2:1), and also near the end. (Numb. 1 Corinthians 20:2-13) 'The fact that water was twice supplied by Christ at different periods would be sufficient to suggest his continual presence.' (McGarvey p. 99)

'of. spiritual rock that followed them' -'Jewish legend..conceived the idea of. rock which travelled alongside the people throughout their forty year's journey..Paul does not endorse this material fancy.' (F.F. Bruce p. 91)

'The rock typified Christ. The rock didn't follow them. The God who brings water from flinty rocks was wherever they were.' (McGuiggan p. 133)

'and the rock was Christ' -'We must not disgrace Paul by making him say that the pre-incarnate Christ followed the march of Israel in the shape of. lump of rock..He does mean that Christ was the source of the water which saved the Israelites from he is the source of supply for us today.' (Robertson p. 152)

Points to Note:

1. Paul believed in the pre-existence of Jesus.

2. It was this same Jesus, who had saved the Corinthians, who also had saved and met the needs of the Israelites. In the case that someone in Corinth objected to Paul material here, by saying, 'But they perished because they didn't have Christ..we do, so we don't need to worry.' Paul responds, 'Who do you think kept them alive all those years!'

'Christ lived already in the midst of the ancient people, and that people has perished! How can you suppose, you Christians, that you are secured from the same fate!' (Gr. Ex. N.T. p. 858)

3. Jesus is identified with Jehovah of the O.T., by the use of the word "Rock". ( Deuteronomy 32:4; Deuteronomy 32:15; Deuteronomy 32:30)

Conclusion of this section: Privileges, yes even spiritual privileges do not guard one against falling into sin. Remember the generation that come out of bondage. They had. baptism too! They feasted on spiritual food and drink also (as Christians have the Lord's Supper), and they had Christ with them too! And yet:

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Old Testament