Now these things were our examples, to the intent we should not lust after evil things, as they also lusted.

'were our examples' -'These events are examples to us, warning us' (Nor)

Points to Note:

1. The following verses implies: O.T. examples are ever relevant. Therefore, preaching from the O.T. fills. very important purpose.

2. Because man remains the same and is prone to commit the same mistakes.

3. Because God still feels the same way about all these sins. Hence the God of the O.T. is the same as the God of the N.T.

4. Time and culture haven't changed God's attitude towards these sins. Fornication was wrong in 1400 B.C., in the wilderness, and fornication was still wrong in the middle of the first century in Greece.

'to the intent' -'to keep us from' (Wms);

'not lust after evil things' -'to keep us from setting our hearts on evil things' (Fee p. 452)

'as they also lusted' -'Instead of rejoicing in the spiritual blessings which God extended to them they constantly lusted after "evil things."' (Lenski p. 396)

Point to Note:

It wasn't that they always "lusted" after things which were inherently evil!

'They were tired, they said, of manna day after day (Numbers 2:4)..And they lusted after meat, flesh to eat...Was eating meat so important that they would insult and tempt God? (Numbers 2:4) Should men recently rescued from age old slavery and on their way to freedom whine over the loss of flesh to eat?...Do you think the Corinthians should have been listening?' (McGuiggan p. 134)

Is there any lesson here for us? How many Christians still "lust" for the things of the world..despite the fact that God has graciously forgiven them? When Christians demand that they have the right drinking, smoking, dancing, gambling, indecent clothing, etc...No matter how are weakened by their "right"..Isn't that "lusting" after evil things also? In those cases, aren't Christians really saying, "The lifestyle that God has brought me to, isn't fulfilling enough.. need more. The Christian life is boring, it's barren, unfulfilling, not exciting enough...why,. remember all the fun we used to have......"

The following are four examples of how "privileged" Israel "lusted after evil things."

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Old Testament